"You wouldn't be so cruel, would you?"

Lin Sheng shouted, his eyes were full of panic.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"I just accidentally made a mistake. Is it necessary for you to be so cruel to me?"

In fact, he regretted it very much in his heart. At that time, he must have been fascinated by ghosts, so he did that. Now that he knows he was wrong, they must give him a chance to reform himself, right?

"It's cheaper to kill you" [

Jing Sheng threw him on the ground. Lin Sheng didn't expect him to throw it as soon as he said it. He sat down on the ground, and when his butt touched something hot, he jumped up in pain: "It hurts."

Everyone looked at him with contempt, but just touched him lightly, and it hurt, and he hadn't tried real pain yet.

"You are here to suffer slowly, we will not accompany you"

Feng Qining turned around, and everyone followed. Lin Sheng touched the ground with his hand, and when he saw the black thing in his hand, he threw it forward in fright.


No one hit that thing, but it hit Feng Qining. Looking at the thing that fell from her head and rolled at her feet, Feng Qining turned around and looked at Lin Sheng with murderous eyes.

"Feng, how are you? Are you all right?"

Murong Li touched Feng Qining's head, Feng Qining gave him a reassuring look, then turned her head and continued to look at Lin Sheng with murderous eyes.

"I, I really didn't mean to"

Lin Sheng felt that he was really unlucky, he just threw it casually, he couldn't think of anyone who missed it, but that aunt, could it be that God was going to kill him?

Lin Sheng looked up at the sky, no matter how unlucky he was, he wouldn't be so unlucky, right?

"It wasn't on purpose, I think you did it on purpose."

Lan Se picked him up, and Yichu patted his head hard. Seeing them like that, Feng Qining shook her head. She lowered her head, saw the things under her feet, and picked them up.

What is that dark, soft thing?

"Limei, what do you see?"

Murong Li took what was in Feng Qining's hand, it was still a little hot in her hand, Murong Li observed it carefully.

"This looks like a carrot"

Lan Se took a look and came to a conclusion. Murong Li looked at it again and found that it was very similar: "It's a bit like it."

"Don't you know if you take a bite?" [

Murong Li put the thing to Zhang Kai's mouth, and Zhang Kai kept his mouth shut.

"Brother, didn't you say you'll know after one bite?"

Zhang Kai had a bitter face, he meant to let them try, not let him try it himself.

"give it to me"

Lancer brought it, whether it was or not, first, and if it was, it would fill them up later when they had nothing to eat.

A group of people continued to walk forward, and when they were about to leave, a burst of flood flooded in again. Feng Qining and the others had already made preparations, fixed the sword firmly on the ground, and held the sword tightly, but they couldn't rely on it. Get too close, or the sword will cut you.

Just when Feng Qining felt that she was about to die, the flood finally stopped.

"It's finally gone, I want to see, which damn thing always floods us with water"

Feng Qining said bitterly that if she dared to let the water go, she would set him on fire.

"Don't talk about you, I want to see it too"

Murong Li helped Feng Qi Ning squeeze the water out of her hair, and now they were all drowned.

"It was a little dry just now, and now it's wet again"

Lancer flicked his sleeves.

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