With a wave of Feng Qining's sleeve, the big knife cut at the green tree from all over the place, the scarlet bird flew over, and it spewed out fire from its mouth, and the flame surrounded the green tree, and soon, the surrounding scene changed, What appeared this time was not a passage, but an open space, but there was a golden light on her head, Feng Qining raised her head, and saw a lotus flower emitting golden light on it.

"Golden lotus."

Feng Qining was pleasantly surprised, she stretched out her hand, and silently recited the formula, the golden lotus gradually became smaller and fell into Feng Qining's hands.

As if happy to feel Feng Qining's return, Jinlian danced in her hands. [

"Don't move, I'm hurt, can you do anything?"

Jinlian didn't move strangely, a golden petal fell from its body, Feng Qining opened her mouth, and the petal fell into her hand.

After a while, Feng Qining's complexion recovered a little.

"Feng, this is?"

Murong Li looked at Jinlian, not understanding what this was.

"This is a golden lotus, it's something my master gave me. It accompanies me to practice together, so it has spiritual consciousness like a kitten and a dog. It is also a good medicine for healing, so it healed me when I was injured before."

Later, she gave it to Jin Yun. She thought it was gone, but she didn't expect to meet it at this time.

"It's a pity that you don't learn the same martial arts as me, so Jinlian can't help you either."

This golden lotus needs spells to dissolve it, otherwise it would be useless for them to swallow it.

"It's okay, we're fine, I also have medicine, although it's not as powerful as Jinlian, but it's enough."

Feng Qi Ning nodded, she put away the golden lotus, and looked around again, there was a night pearl the size of a pebble on top of her head, illuminating it like daytime.

Opposite her, there was a room, Feng Qining raised her foot and walked over, she smelled a scent of sandalwood as soon as she entered, the furnishings inside were not complicated, and through the window, one could see the flowers and plants planted outside.

"Why are there flowers there?"

Lancer was surprised, this place is airtight, how could there be flowers?Not likely.

"I guess it was developed by Jin Yun, a place dedicated to planting flowers and plants."

Feng Qining said calmly, planting flowers in the tomb is not difficult for Jin Yun, as long as he thinks, nothing is impossible.

"Let's go and have a look"

Murong Li was about to walk over, Feng Qining grabbed him: "No, everything here was arranged by Jin Yun, and the flowers and plants there were also planted by him, do you think he will let you take his flowers and plants for nothing? "

There must be a mechanism somewhere, even if there is no mechanism, he has cast a spell. [

"I see everyone is tired, let's take a rest first."

Feng Qining found a chair and sat down, Murongli looked at her dirty clothes, and then looked around.

"Don't think about it, your clothes are all wet"

Lancer unwrapped the bag, and it was all soaked by the flood of white radish just now. How can they have a change of clothes now?

"Take it out to dry"

Feng Qining pointed to the room she came in just now, and Lan Se went out to have a look, there was indeed a clothes hanger, but there were so many of them and so many clothes, there was not enough space for this place.

"I'm going to see if there's anything to eat or wear"

Feng Qining looked around, there were traps everywhere, she was not at ease if they asked them to find them, she should do it herself.

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