Murong Li held her back: "Let me do it, you should have a good rest.
She is the most tiring along the way, and now her injury is not completely healed, how can her body and bones withstand such a toss?

"That's right, Ning'er, you'd better sit here, there shouldn't be any danger here."

After they all said this, Feng Qining was no longer attached, she sat aside and took out the golden lotus she just got.

The color of the golden lotus was not as bright as she had seen before. Seeing the golden lotus in her hand, Jing Sheng and Lin Sheng moved closer. [

"Miss Feng, why is this golden?"

This golden lotus is still real, and this is the first time they have seen it.

Unexpectedly, the golden lotus in Feng Qining's hand flew out and circled around Jing Sheng, it seemed to express dissatisfaction.

"Jinlian, don't make trouble."

Feng Qi Ning grabbed Jin Lian, and Jin Lian stayed in Feng Qi Ning's hands. Although Jing Sheng and Lin Sheng were surprised, they didn't shout like they did before.

Along the way, they have seen many strange things, Zhu Chiniao and Tiger Leopard beside Feng Qining are two freaks, and now there is another one, it is not a strange thing.

"It is a rare lotus flower, which only blooms on the Tianshan Mountains. There is only one flower in a hundred years. When it bloomed, it was pale golden. Later, the master gave it to me. It followed my practice, and then it became like this "

Looking at Jinlian, Feng Qining's eyes were full of nostalgia, those days were the happiest days she ever lived, recalling it now, she can still feel that happy feeling.

"I still don't understand, there are no monsters in this world, how can it practice with you?"

Wouldn't the lotus flower rot after being picked off for a while?

"That's what you ordinary people see. There are many treasures on the Tianshan Mountains. Where is there a place like Yaochi? Where I practiced at that time, the golden lotus was placed in the pond. It absorbed the aura of heaven and earth, and it became like this "

Feng Qining tried her best to tell them in simple language, but unfortunately, there is no Tianshan faction anymore, and she doesn't know what happened, the Tianshan faction is slowly declining.

No one understands the spell anymore.

When Feng Qining was thinking about it, there was a noise outside, and Feng Qining ran out quickly.

Murong Li fell to the ground, Feng Qi Ning hurried over: "Li beauty, are you alright?"

"It's okay, I thought the herbs over there were good, so I wanted to pick them, but I was bounced back."

Following Murong Li's gaze, Feng Qining saw a flower garden full of flowers. These flowers are different from ornamental flowers, they are all medicinal flowers, such as snow lotus and the like.

"Unexpectedly, he built a flower garden here that is the same as that on Tianshan Mountain"

Feng Qining sighed, she didn't know what Jin Yun wanted to do, the place he took her to before was the same as where she lived on the Tianshan Mountain, and now he set up a flower garden like this here. [

He was also so careful that he actually got a spell outside.

"Stand back"

Feng Qining took out her big knife, a few golden lights flashed, and the barrier Jin Yun made was broken.

"All right"

Feng Qining put away her big knife, Murongli looked at her worriedly, her face became paler and paler, he knew it was because of her internal injuries and frequent use of spells.

"Limei, I'm fine, you don't have to worry, well, there are so many medicines here, hurry up and take them"

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