"I won't let anything happen to you"

Resolute words are like oaths and promises.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"I know"

She never doubted that with him around, nothing would happen to her.

There was a bamboo grove next to the flowerbed. Those bamboos were different from the ones outside because their color was darker than the ones outside. Seeing that she was all right, Lancer walked around the bamboos. [

Yi Chu didn't come out from the house, Zhang Kai helped Murong Li, Jing Sheng and Lin Sheng walked around.

"Mother, what kind of bamboo is this?"

Why doesn't he move it no matter how he shakes it?

"These bamboos can only be dug up by predestined people, and they can be regarded as a treasure in Tianshan."

There are not many other things on Tianshan Mountain, except for this kind of bamboo, but after leaving Tianshan Mountain, there are no such things anymore.

"It was so"

Lancer let go of his hand. Since he is not the predestined person, it is useless to like him no matter how much he likes.

"There's a lake over there"

Lin Sheng ran over panting, his eyes could not conceal the joy, what does having a lake represent?It means that there is water to take a bath. They are all dirty. It would be great if they could take a bath.

Hearing that there was a lake, Feng Qining's expression changed.

With a flick of his sleeves, Feng Qining disappeared from the spot. When Feng Qining arrived, the black monster was about to suck Jing Sheng's blood, and the ribbon flew out of Feng Qining's sleeve with golden light.

Feng Qining recited the mantra, and the ribbon turned into a dragon, wrapped around the black mist-like thing.

Feng Qi Ning turned into a ball of golden light and flew out, the ribbon entangled the black thing and could not move, Feng Qi Ning stepped on the black thing, surrounded by golden light, finally, the black gradually became smaller, Feng Qi Ning Qining pressed it down again.

Feng Qining turned around and landed next to Murong Li, seeing that she was fine, Murong Li heaved a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, everything here has a mechanism, and this Jin Yun is so careful.

"Scared me"

Jing Sheng got up from the ground, he just wanted to drink some water, but that thing ran out of it unexpectedly.

"You scared me to death. If you have nothing to do, don't touch the things here. Since he let us in, he will never let us go out so easily."

After so many things, how dare they touch each other, everyone hurried to sit inside, seeing their appearance, Feng Qining shook her head, if only they were so obedient just now. [

Yichu searched for a long time, but couldn't find even a rag, not to mention food, so he surrendered.

There is no food here, they brought it with them, and the group of people ate some casually to fill their stomachs, and then staggered around to find a place to sleep.

It's already this time, what are you still worried about?

Feng Qining didn't sleep well, and in the middle of the night, she suddenly opened her eyes.

She saw that Jin Yun was actually standing beside her.


He cried out in grief, Feng Qining looked at him coldly: "Are you still alive?"

Does she want him to die so much?

"How could I be willing to leave you alone?"

After leaving these words, Jin Yun disappeared. He also thought that he must die, but unexpectedly, he was seriously injured and did not die.

Feng Qining didn't expect that Jin Yun was still alive, she looked at Murong Li with her chin on her hands, Jin Yun must be somewhere in the tomb, maybe they can see it by walking around.

They had to get out of here before he recovered, or there would be no chance.

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