With a flick of the woman's hand, Murong Li broke away from Feng Qining and flew towards her.
Feng Qining smiled domineeringly, her dignity was overwhelming, and her arrogance was awe-inspiring: "If you want to snatch him, let's see if you have the ability."

The ribbon was wrapped around Murong Li's waist and brought him to her side. Murong Li's face was as usual, but she was actually in pain, being pulled by two forces, how could it be better.

Feng Qining knew that he was in pain, but there was nothing he could do, he couldn't go to that woman's side, otherwise he would die.

But he will definitely die if this continues, Feng Qining's eyes flashed with solemnity, she put her fingers together, concentrated her magic power on them, then pointed at the woman, and a golden light flew towards the woman. [

Feeling the power of the golden light, the woman let go of Murong Li, and Feng Qi Ning hugged him.

"Not bad, not bad, a little bit capable, but there are so many people, I want to see how many you can protect."

The woman gave a wink to the people around her, and they flew down, and with a wave of her hand, pink light gathered around Feng Qining and the others.

Feng Qining and the others were trapped inside, Feng Qining touched those pink rays of light, and her whole body was bounced back.

"Is it so easy to get out of my pink love net?"

The woman landed next to Feng Qining, Feng Qining looked at Murong Li and the others who were not quite right, with anxiety in her eyes.

Could this woman be a spider? There is something like a web. Feng Qining wanted to use the Phoenix Art, but she only used it yesterday. Which one needs to consume a lot of mana, and she hasn't recovered yet. Using that is dangerous of.

"Li beauty, glass beauty"

Feng Qining shook Murongli, Murongli woke up, but his eyes were not right, after he woke up, he hugged Feng Qining fiercely.

"Phoenix, Phoenix"

As soon as Murongli hugged Feng Qining, the knives of Yichu and the others slashed at her.

"She's not yours, she's mine"

Yichu walked over staggeringly, seeing them like this, Feng Qining knew that this net had planted demons in them, in other words, it magnified the resentment in their hearts infinitely, to the point where the kindness in their hearts was completely destroyed. encroachment.

"She belongs to me alone, and only to me"

Murong Li also slashed at Yichu and the others. Seeing that they were about to kill each other, Feng Qi Ning's hand slipped between her eyebrows, and the hidden phoenix mark appeared in her eyebrows. She crossed her hands, and a golden light appeared. move.

Since he forced her, she would not compromise even if she died.

"Phoenix Tactic"

The phoenix appeared, and golden light enveloped the hall. The woman yelled and disappeared into a ball of pink light.

Feng Qi Ning fell to the ground, Murong Li and the others also fell to the ground, unconscious, when Feng Qi Ning saw Murong Li, the phoenix between her brows exuded a faint golden light. [

She sat up slowly, and with a flick of her hand, a faint golden light shone across, and Murong Li and the others woke up.


When Murong Li saw the phoenix between Feng Qining's eyebrows, she yelled in surprise. The originally exquisite and flawless appearance, because of the imprint of a phoenix, Feng Qining's whole person became much more coquettish.

"Ning'er, you..."

Yichu wanted to reach out his hand to caress the faintly glowing phoenix, but he stopped halfway.

"This is the real me. Because I sealed it before, my mana has been weakened. Now it seems that I can't seal it anymore."

She knew that the appearance of the phoenix mark would cause great disturbances. If she found a way out, Miluo would definitely appear in front of the world.

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