At that time, because of the original prophecy, there will be endless troubles. Leaving aside this, this imprint here also makes her different from ordinary people. Who can guarantee that no one will say anything nonsense?

"Mother, you look so pretty.
Lan Se not only didn't dislike him, but also praised them. Looking at their worried eyes, Feng Qining smiled slightly: "You don't have to worry, I will seal it up again when I get better."

"But the long-term seal, will it have any effect on you?"

What Murong Li was most worried about was the impact on Feng Qining, everything else was secondary. [

"No, it just has a little effect on my spells."

Feng Qining lowered her head, the spells of her Phoenix Jue were accumulated in the Phoenix Seal, and the Phoenix Seal was sealed, so it would naturally be weakened.

"that's OK."

Murong Li helped Feng Qining up, while Jing Sheng and Lin Sheng looked at her with fear. Feng Qining was already scary enough, but now there was a phoenix mark, that golden mark, It floated faintly between her brows, as if it would pop out in the next second.

"Where is the entrance here?"

Lan Se looked around, but didn't see any place to go in. Feng Qining's eyes were placed on the place where the woman was sitting just now. There is no road here, just somewhere high. They haven't been there yet. The most doubtful thing is where is it.

Seeing Feng Qining's eyes focused on the top, everyone followed her gaze and saw that there was nothing in the high place above, and everyone felt suspicious in their hearts.

"I remember, when we came just now, there were still seats up there."

Murong Li recalled that just when Feng Qining was about to answer, she felt her feet were being grabbed, she looked down, and the black hands protruding from the ground grabbed her feet.

Without thinking too much, Feng Qining chopped off the thing with a knife. She thought she was dead, but unexpectedly she didn't.

Feng Qining's big knife plunged into the ground at once, Murongli and the others felt as if something was moving under their feet, without thinking about it, they also raised their swords, and slashed down.

"Boom bang."

Several people drilled out from the ground, and these people were none other than the young girls who followed the woman just now.

"Unexpectedly, you are not dead yet"

This solved the big one, but unexpectedly the small one rushed forward without knowing what to do.

"You are really not afraid of death. Your master is dead. If you are sensible, you should run for your life obediently and don't come up to seek death again."

Murong Li stood in front of Feng Qining. Feng Qining had just fought with their master, no matter how powerful they were, they couldn't resist such a wheel fight.

"Hmph, she killed our palace lord, I want to avenge our palace lord"

One of the women stood up, and Feng Qining found that their eyes were a little more charming, and there was a layer of charming light inside, she was shocked: "Don't look into their eyes"

Feng Qining's cry woke up Murongli and the others who were almost hypnotized. They thought they were not weak in mind, but unexpectedly they almost got tricked.

"Unexpectedly, this woman of yours is really capable."

They saw very clearly just now that it was Feng Qining who solved their Palace Master, and this person is definitely not a kind person.

If they can get rid of their palace masters with one move, is there someone who is easy to mess with?

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