"I have no other ability, the only thing I have is the ability to destroy you."

Feng Qining stuck out her head from behind Murong Li, the four girls snorted coldly, they opened their hands, Feng Qining and the others were immediately entangled by silk.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"Does such a small silk thread want to entangle me?"

Lancer said contemptuously, he chopped down with a knife, but unexpectedly the ribbon would not move.

"Stupid man, with your little strength, how could you cut our millennium silk thread?"[

One of the girls snorted coldly, but just when they were proud, Murong Li took out a bag of things from her bosom and threw it at them.

Feng Qining saw the opportunity, her fingertips flashed, and the silk thread entangled with Lan Se and the others was in her hand. As soon as the figure flashed, Feng Qining circled them a few times, and the silk thread held them together. got tangled up.

"All right"

Feng Qining clapped her hands, Murongli was standing beside her, Feng Qining was right, poisons are sometimes very useful, much better than martial arts, it seems that he only used a little, and they were immobilized.

"Limei, you are still reliable at the critical moment"

The smile on Murong Li's face got bigger after being praised by Feng Qining.

"Ning'er, what are they?"

Could it be something conjured by Jin Yun using magic again?

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be a spider"

During this trip, Feng Qining has understood the power of Jinyun's spells. No wonder the master said that he is his most proud disciple. She had never seen these things in Tianshan before. If the master hadn't told her , it is estimated that she will also be frightened.

"Murong, what did you sprinkle on them?"

Yichu was curious, why couldn't he open his eyes that were beautiful just now?

"Actually, it's nothing, it's just the poisonous tickle powder, and the tickle powder spilled into their eyes..."

If they couldn't see, the eyes would be useless, so Feng Qining took the opportunity to tie them up.

"Why don't you let them return to their original form?"

Zhang Kai suggested, are they considered fairies in disguise?He had never seen a ghost before, but he felt uncomfortable when he thought that those two were fairies.

"What are you doing back to the original shape? Let them help us lead the way"

Lin Sheng shouted, the things here are too horrible to die, and they always let him walk in front, if he accidentally eats something, wouldn't he be wronged?

"Yes, it's a good idea to let them lead the way"[

Feng Qining pulled their hair, and those people shouted in pain: "Don't pull it, don't pull it, my hair is almost gone!"

"What do you want hair for? It's not human"

Murong Li's words drew everyone's approval.

Yichu: "It thinks it has hair and is a human being"

Lancer: "I think, since the eyes are gone, why do we need hair? Let's chop them off together."

Zhang Kai: "Perhaps their hair is also the same, why don't you cut it off and have a look?"

Jing Sheng and Lin Sheng kept silent as usual, and the four girls struggled constantly when they heard their words.

"I advise you not to struggle anymore, if it falls into my hands, do you think you can escape?"

Feng Qining pulled them up, but those few people refused to get up, let them lead them the way, they had a good idea.

"Don't stand up, kitty"

The tiger and leopard walked up to the four women, and it bit them on the waist. The bitten man stood up screaming, but the other three did not move, so they staggered to and fro.

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