After falling a little, Feng Qining felt a little dizzy, and Murong Li quickly realized something was wrong.look
"Toxic, hold your breath."

Feng Qining was startled, and quickly held her breath. After a while, she felt that something was wrong. If she wasn't breathing, wouldn't she have to suffocate to death?

When she felt that she couldn't help it, Murong Li finally said: "Okay."

After holding my breath for a while, I realized how precious air is. [

"Li Meiren, what kind of poison was that just now?"

She didn't even know that someone had poisoned her, and she thought her injury had recurred.

"Miasma, people smell too much, they will have hallucinations, and finally commit suicide."

Feng Qining has the urge to swear, Jin Yun is such a villain, he really can use everything, he is not dead yet, if she sees him again, she must teach him a lesson.

After sliding down for a while, before reaching the bottom, Feng Qining felt that something was wrong.

"We've all been down for a while, why haven't we arrived yet?"

Could this be a bottomless pit?

"I also find it strange, how much manpower did he spend digging such a long hole?"

The first thing Murong Li thought of was the financial problem, probably because she had been with Feng Qining for a long time.

In his opinion, this is not how money is spent. He can save it, and when they come, he will also collect and scrape the money.

"Murong, when did you become as fond of money as Ning'er?"

"They were originally a couple. Mother loves Cai, so of course Murong wants to be together."

Feng Qining nodded, her son is indeed her mother's caring little padded jacket, how well does her son understand her heart?

"In my opinion, it was Feng who brought Murong into ruin."

Feng Qining was angry: "Brother, how can you say that about me? If I don't love money, you may have starved to death long ago, don't you have to worry about money?"

What's wrong with loving money?It's not that there is a saying that money is not everything, but without money is absolutely impossible.

While speaking, Feng Qining saw a light in the corner of her eyes: "There is light below, it seems to be the end"

Happiness is happiness, Feng Qining was not dazzled by happiness.

"□□, go down and have a look"[

The scarlet bird speeds up reluctantly. The owner must not love it anymore. Every time it dies, let it do it. This is not another place, but that person's lair. If it is trapped, It didn't die for a while, but its body hair was gone too.

The vermilion bird flew down, but there was no sound for a long time. When Feng Qining felt that it was about to disappear, it finally flew back with the kitten.

"There is no danger down there, but it seems strange"

"It's very strange, what kind of strange method?"

Zhu Chiniao described it for a long time, but Feng Qining still couldn't understand it. It was still difficult for this bird to communicate with people, so Feng Qining gave up.

"Forget it, you don't need to say it, I'll just go and see it myself"

The vermilion bird fluttered its wings and continued to follow Feng Qining. It had been waiting for the master's words for a long time. There was nothing underneath, it was just black, but it just felt strange. I couldn't understand it again.

The light got closer and closer, and when she saw the ground, Feng Qining let go of the ribbon, and a person appeared on the ground.

She looked around, no one appeared as before, it was pitch black, but the atmosphere was a bit scary.

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