"where is this place?"

After looking around, Lancer didn't see anything wrong, so he went up to have a look.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"Don't move yet"

Yichu grabbed him, this is the only place where there is light, who knows if this is an enchantment or something?

"I can't feel the breath here"[

Murong Li frowned slightly, even though he was no match for those with spells before, he could still feel their existence, but now he couldn't feel them.

"That's why you're unresponsive"

"What about you? Do you feel it?"

After Zhang Kai felt it carefully, he really couldn't feel any aura, so Murong Li sneered.

He is laughing at fifty steps!

"I don't blame you, even I can't feel it"

Feng Qining looked around vigilantly. It is absolutely impossible that there is no danger here. The danger here should be the greatest. Along the way, they haven't seen any good things yet. For Jin Yun, the flower garden last time was It can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket, this good thing should be in the back, of course, the greater the danger.

When Feng Qining was thinking, her back suddenly hurt, she turned around suddenly, and made a tactic, the golden light moved forward, illuminating the dark world here.

Feng Qining, who hit something unknown, was bounced back by a force, and Murong Li caught her firmly.

"It's okay"

Feng Qining smiled at him reassuringly: "It's okay, don't worry."

"Hey hey, it's a little early to say it's okay now?"

Ugly laughter came from the side, listening to the cold laughter that seemed to come from hell, everyone felt goosebumps on their bodies.


Feng Qining gave an order coldly, Zhu Chiniao spun around, and appeared in front of Feng Qining like a ball of fire, this trick was useless for her, it was only used at this time.


Feng Qining flicked her sleeves, and there was a faint light on the outside of Zhu Chiniao, probably because she felt the heat from Zhu Chiniao's body, the black mass moved away a little bit, Feng Qining felt that the pressure was far away a little.

Feng Qining stood still, Murong Li looked at her worriedly, he could only feel the strong oppressive force of that thing, as for what it was, he didn't know.

"It's a human or a ghost, and it hasn't shown up yet"[

Feng Qining hit her with a palm, but the palm felt like it had hit cotton, and she couldn't feel anything.

so smart?Feng Qining didn't dare to be careless now.

"Do you think I'm human?"

The voice was even colder.

"Of course you are not a human being anymore, I dare not show your true colors"

If it was a human being, how could it be so powerful?Just what is it?Why can't she feel it?

It's just that it's pitch black now, and she can't see clearly even if she wants to.

Slowly, Feng Qining got used to the darkness inside, she blinked, a golden light flashed in her eyes, her eyes became much clearer at once, she finally saw clearly, this is also a palace, in front of her, there was a mass of black Gas, there are still a few skulls around.

Damn, where did Jin Yun find these things?Feng Qining swears in her heart, this is the king of resentful spirits, if it is not for thousands of years of resentment, it cannot be formed, these things are usually in dark places, sucking dark air every day.

"Where did you come from, why don't you go back soon?"

"Hey hey, who doesn't know when they go back, do you think you can get out?"

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