"Whether you can go out or not, it's not something you can't do if you say you can't."
Murong Li stood in front of Feng Qining, even if he died, he would send her out, why would he keep her here?

"Hmph, let everyone see your true face, what are you afraid of?"

Zhang Kai shot a bow and arrow, and the surrounding area immediately lit up with candlelight. Although the candlelight was not very bright, it was not too dark to see his fingers.

Naturally, he also saw the true face of that mass of black air. [

Yichu felt that this place really deserved to be a tomb, and all the things that appeared here were ghosts and monsters, which really deserved the name of a tomb.

"Sure enough, it's not a person, it's just a cloud of black air."

Lancer remained calm. He had seen a lot along the way, so he was no stranger to it.

"These things are uglier than each other."

Jing Sheng didn't care, anyway, there were so many people buried with him, what was he afraid of?

"What did you say?"

Hearing Jing Sheng call him ugly, the black air seemed to be unhappy.

"What are you talking about? It means you are ugly. You don't think you are ugly. Look at you. You don't even have a body, just a cloud of black air"

Feng Qining's words were the most merciless, her words were like knives, lingering at that person, she was wrong, it was the cloud of black air.

"I'm going to kill you."

A lotus flower appeared in Feng Qining's hand: "Golden Lotus, go"

The lotus gradually grew bigger, and finally stopped when it could accommodate a person. There was a layer of faint light around it. Feng Qining patted the lotus towards the cloud of black air. If it passes through, the black air will not be able to move.

Feng Qining seized this opportunity, crossed her hands, and immediately a ball of fire appeared in the air, the fire was like a palm.

"Firework Palm"

The fire passed through the body of the black air, and the black air screamed and dissipated.

Feng Qining paled and fell into Murongli's arms.

"Feng, how are you?"

Feng Qining shook her head: "It's nothing, it's just excessive use of mana."

The golden lotus fell to the ground, Yichu picked it up. [

"Ning'er, look"

The golden lotus turned black, Feng Qining took it, and the golden lotus slowly disappeared in her hands.

"That is the ghost formed by the accumulation of resentment in the previous year. It can only be resolved with pure spiritual energy. The golden lotus absorbs the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth all the year round. Naturally, it is its sworn enemy. It's just that it consumes the whole golden lotus."

So, the golden lotus was gone, Feng Qining looked at the empty hand, and after two seconds, she withdrew her hand: "If there is no one, there will be no more, everyone's life is saved."

Before everyone had time to say anything, the ground began to shake again, and after a blink of an eye, they came to a magnificent hall.

There are four pillars with carved beams and painted buildings, and there are countless treasures around. Feng Qining feels that she is ignorant here, because she has never seen so many jewels since she grew up so old.

These are not what attract their attention. What attracts their attention the most is the thing in the middle, which is an ice bed emitting white smoke, and a person is lying on it. Beads of light.

"Is that King Jin?"

Jing Sheng exclaimed, isn't King Jin still alive?Why are you lying here?

Feng Qining's eyes were also thoughtful, if he was lying here, who was he seeing before?That is obviously him too?

Could he still be separated?No, how could it be possible to be separated, this is absolutely impossible.

Murong Li let go of Feng Qining and walked over slowly.

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