Everyone also walked over, and before they got close to the ice bed, their footsteps were blocked. www>

Feng Qining looked at Jin Yun who was in love, and thought of his different places when she was with him.

At that time, his hands were always so cold, as if there was no warmth at all, and then he never slept in the house at night. At that time, she always couldn't understand, if he was not in the house, where did he go?

So he is here?But judging by his appearance, he doesn't look like he's woken up!

Wait, wake up?Feng Qining thought instantly that he had told her that he had slept for a long time in order to wait for her to come back, and later, to release the seal in her mind, a lot of mana had to be consumed. [

Back then, he used a bowl of blood for her, and now he has consumed a lot of mana. If he wants to wake up, he must be healed.

Could that be his god?

Seeing Feng Qining frowning in deep thought, no one dared to disturb her. After thinking for a long time, Feng Qining only had an idea, but she was not sure.

"Who are you? How did you come in here?"

From behind the ice bed, a woman with a human head and a snake body came out, looking at her, Feng Qining's eyes shone with an inexplicable light.

"You don't need to know who I am, you just need to know that I'm here to kill him."

Feng Qining didn't think too much about it, she came here, she settled it first, and she couldn't get out if she couldn't solve it.

"Feng, do you want me to die that much?"

A low sigh came from the ice bed, it was clearly Jin Yun's voice, but he didn't get up.

Feng Qining stared at the diaper, she had a feeling that she would not be able to get out of here, Jin Yun would never let it go.

"If you let me out, of course I won't take your life"

She still has so many people, she can't let them spend time here with her, they can't afford it.

"Last time I gave them a chance, they didn't leave by themselves"

Slowly, Jin Yun got up from the top, his face was too pale, so pale that he didn't look like an ordinary person, there was still a layer of white light flowing around his body, he slowly got up from the chest.

Feng Qi stared blankly at him walking towards her, the bead turned, and the light enveloped her in it.

"Feng, when did you learn to be cruel to me?"

Jin Yun looked at her sadly, the light was hazy, his eyes were blurred, lost in the distance, he seemed to be looking for Feng Xiao, who loved him deeply in the past, through him.

Feng Qining looked at his lonely back, her heart throbbing in pain, she knelt down and covered her heart.

She tried to suppress her feelings. [

Jin Yun cast a look at the green snake outside, and the green snake nodded.

Just as Murong Li was about to speak, a blue light suddenly appeared under his feet, and within three feet of Murong Li was enveloped in the blue light. Phantom ghost snake general.

"Soul-locking array, get up"

The green snake raised its hand, and eight strands of blue light flashed from its body, falling in all directions around the formation. The blue light enveloped Murong Li and the others respectively. Murong Li had a painful look on his face, and he felt that a knife was cutting him. body, and then someone in the soul is pulling, as if trying to pull him out of it.

Yichu and the others are not much better than him.

"Feng, don't you have the heart to bear it?"

Jin Yun looked down at Feng Qining, with countless misery in his eyes.

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