Mei Sha lay on the ground, looking at Yang Yue as if asking for help. www>

"Help me untie the acupoints quickly"

At this moment, Yang Yue understood why Mei Sha would lie down so obediently, it turned out that she was forced.

"I said, why don't you resist at all and let him bully you?"

Who would want to be bullied by someone else?Isn't that forced?She doesn't know martial arts, and she doesn't have Feng Qining's spiritual skills. This modern stretching hand is not comparable to the martial arts here in ancient times. [

Yang Yue tapped Meisha's body a few times, and Meisha's acupuncture points were unlocked.

"Fortunately, it's not difficult. He probably thought you couldn't escape, so he used the simplest acupuncture technique."

Luckily for Yang Yue, if Feng Bai used a more complicated acupuncture technique, she probably wouldn't be able to untie it.

"Stinky Man"

Mei Sha kicked Feng Bai aside.

"Thank you, I owe you a favor this time."

She has not owed anyone a favor since she came here, she is the first one.

"I didn't help you for nothing, I just hope you don't lie to me again"

Mei Sha was puzzled by Yang Yue's words, she was lying?When did she lie?

Of course, she wouldn't admit it even if she was beaten to death. In fact, nine out of ten of her words were unbelievable.

"You said that in order to attract a man, you must first grab a man's stomach"

Mei Sha nodded, yes, she said that yesterday, there was nothing wrong with that.

"But I did this, not only was he not attracted to me, but he hated me even more."

Zong Zhenghao saw her now as if seeing a ghost, she was so depressed, he didn't like her in the first place, and now he is far away.

"The premise is that your cooking skills must be superb, have you achieved it?"

Yang Yue shook her head, she was only depressed if she didn't do it, if she did it, why should she be depressed.

"This way is impossible for me. Is there any other way?"

There are other ways, Mei Sha's eyes rolled for a while, and soon he thought of it.

"Do you want to rush or take your time"[

"Speedy of course"

Yang Yue answered without thinking too much. Looking at her anxious appearance, there was playfulness in Meisha's eyes, and Yang Yue lowered her head to fix the Meisha's eyes.

"Hurry up, I'm afraid you won't dare to do it"

What dare not?As long as she dares to say it, she dares to do it.

"Don't be afraid, tell me, I will dare to do it."

That's it, Meisha rubbed her chin, her eyes critically looked at Yang Yue, Yang Yue felt uncomfortable for a while.

"What's wrong?"

Why is she staring at her like that?Doesn't she know that the look in her eyes makes people feel uncomfortable?

"I just want to see if you are suitable for which method."

Which exactly is the solution?To stare at her?

"Barely pass"

Mei Sha, who looked at him for a long time, finally said this, and she whispered a few words in Yang Yue's ear.

The method she thought of was none other than seduction!

As for seduction, of course, there must be sex first. If there is no basic, how can you seduce?

Listening to Meisha's words, Yang Yue's face flushed with shame: "Is this method okay?"

"Don't you want to be fast? This is the fastest. If you have cooked rice with him, he will definitely marry you."

Who told this to be an ancient place, where innocence is the most important thing, if it is modern, let alone cooked rice, even popping it into popcorn is useless.

"Yes, but..."

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