Yang Yue hesitated, no matter what, she is a girl, would it be bad to do that?

If others found out that she used such means to seduce a man, others would definitely laugh at her.
"What? Didn't you say you weren't afraid? Are you shrinking now?"

Meisha looked at her sarcastically, as if she was mocking her invisibly, and when she met Meisha's eyes, Yang Yue's courage came up immediately.

"Who says I dare not?" [

Yang Yue stopped her neck. She couldn't bear others to underestimate her. At the beginning when others laughed at Zong Zhenghao for not wanting her, she said she would definitely chase him back. Others also laughed at her for not having the courage. Didn't she persist until today? up.

"Yes, what is needed is your courage. With your drive, I will help you too."

She likes courageous women. In her heart, being a woman should not be weak and powerless. If you want to be a big woman, you will be oppressed by men all day long. If you don't know how to resist, you might as well just die. How miserable is your life like that? , it is better to end it directly.

When Meisha came back, Feng Qining was happily holding a letter and reading it again.

"What are you looking at, so happy?"

Unable to explain, Mei Sha took the letter in Feng Qining's hand, looked at the complicated words on it, Mei Sha immediately returned it to Feng Qining.

"I hate traditional Chinese characters"

Meisha is lazier and more ruthless than Feng Qining, in her opinion, it's none of her business at all, she doesn't even bother to care about it.

"Hehe, this is a letter from my son. His handwriting is quite beautiful. If the handwriting is not good-looking, I'm afraid you will hate it even more."

If the traditional Chinese characters are not good-looking, and if you use a brush and ink, the characters will not be neat enough, and it will look like a black mass.

"What did he say?"

Mei Sha was very curious about Feng Qining's cheap son, and heard Feng Qining describe him as a gentleman.

As for the son, of course he has to honor his mother, it is necessary for him to treat Feng Qining well, and then she is his little aunt, so she can also enslave him.

Just thinking about Meisha makes me feel very happy, how happy such a day should be.

"Oh, he said he's already on his way and will be here soon"

Looking at the letter in her hand, Feng Qining's eyes curled up. Lan Se, the person who makes people feel warm in their hearts, doesn't know what happened. It is said that he managed Miluo very well.

"There is also a letter here"

Yi Chu took out a letter from his bosom, looking at the letter, Feng Qining hesitated for a moment.

"What's the matter? Are you afraid to pick it up?" [

She just didn't dare, did he have to say it so clearly?Feng Qi stared at him.

"The Ning'er I know is not afraid of anything"

He really thinks highly of her, and she also wants to be fearless, but at this time she has become timid.

"Look, if you don't look, I'll help you"

Murong Li made a gesture to take the letter, but Feng Qining took it one step faster than him.

Opening the envelope, there were two letters inside, one was written by Feng Jue, and the other was written by Zong Zhengxuan.

In the letter, Fengjue did not blame her, but told her that they missed her very much. Zong Zhengxuan told her that he also planned to come to Liuguo, and that Fengjue and her two older brothers would come together.

Feng Qining blinked, there was water vapor in the eye sockets.

In fact, even if Feng Jue blamed her, she was willing to do so, because she was unfilial to begin with. If she had been more filial, then mother might not have left so early.

"You don't want to, don't blame yourself"

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