Yichu was looking forward to it, anyway, he had disliked Zong Zhenghao a long time ago, so it would be good to design it now.Passionate picture feast
"Brother Yi, second brother, what are you doing here?"

Feng Qining came out with a pile of cloth, and what she saw was the two standing at the door of Murongli's pharmacy, listening to them muttering something, as if they were plotting something.

"Ning'er, come here"

The two grabbed Feng Qining with their big hands and pulled Feng Qining aside. Looking at the wolf-like expressions of the two, Feng Qining's body trembled. [

"What's the matter with you? Is this what happened?"

When the two spoke, Feng Qining spoke first.

"Ning'er, tell me the truth, are you designing Zong Zhenghao?"

Yichu got straight to the point, his bluntness made Feng Qining's forehead sweat coldly, what would she say if he was so blunt?He is so straightforward, can she still beat around the bush?

"Ning'er, don't try to lie, tell the truth"

Feng Yu also looked at her threateningly, Xiao Mian actually dared to hide it from him, and he would never give up until he forced her out.

"You've already guessed it, why ask me?"

Is this an admission in disguise?It was really so, Yi Chu and Feng Yu exchanged glances, it seemed that Zong Zhenghao was out of luck.

"what is this?"

Feng Yu picked it up casually, Feng Qi Ning wanted to stop him, but it was still too late.

"What is this?"

Feng Yu looked carefully for a while, but couldn't tell what it was.

"Two Rags"

Yichu glanced at it and said indifferently.

"It doesn't look like a rag?"

Feng Yu simply started to study, Feng Qining's forehead slid down a black line, and she hurried over to grab it.

"Don't look, this is not for you?"

Her words made the two big men upset: "What is not suitable for us, then what is suitable for us?"

God, Feng Qining wished to knock them unconscious with a stick, could she tell them, is it actually a suspender skirt?It's still the top section, the bottom section, so that the key parts can be covered and the sexiest parts can be exposed. [

"Okay, don't ask so many questions, anyway, this is not for you"

After saying this, Feng Qining left.

After walking a few steps, I ran into Yan Chen and the others.

"Master, in such a hurry, what happened?"

Yan Chen asked anxiously. In fact, he felt that he was very free. It was too boring to do nothing all day, and he always wanted to have some fun.


Feng Qining was about to pass them, but Yan Yun stood in front of her.

"Young master, you are in such a hurry, no matter how you look at it, you don't seem to be okay. What is the matter? Let's hear it, and we can help you."

Feng Qining was impatient, so she simply stretched out her hand and pushed him away: "You are doing me the greatest favor by getting out of here now."

Ruoxue and Ruowu were smart enough not to ask Feng Qining, these men didn't know what was going on, but they did.

"What's the matter, young master? Why does your temper seem to be getting worse?"

Yan Yun frowned. The young master used to fight with them all day long, but now he has no time to care about them.

"Maybe she's busy with something"

Ruo Wu knew that Feng Qining was there, she was just not free, if she was free, she would definitely not ignore them.

"I also think that the young master must be busy with something. Do you think we should go and see? If she needs help, we can help too."

Tracking is tracking, why do you have to say it so nicely?

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