"Don't you want to?"

Yan Yun, who was despised, was very depressed. Looking at their appearance, they seemed to be very noble. In fact, if he was obscene, if they could walk with him, how noble would they be?


Ruo Wu nodded honestly.

In the past, the young master did not hide anything from them, and even asked them to help, but after that stalker came, the young master stayed with her all day long, not knowing what he was plotting every day. [

"Let's go"

Yan Yun walked first, looking at their backs, Ruoxue hesitated for a while, but finally followed.

It seems like a fool to watch it or not.

Feng Qining left the palace and walked towards the palace where Feng Bai was.

Feng Bai is also depressed these few days, this charming killer will not go out these few days, but she stays in the room all day and doesn't know what she is doing, that Yang Yue has occupied her.

She had time to quarrel with him before, but now she has no time to care about him at all.

As soon as Feng Qining arrived, Mei Sha opened the door before she even opened it.

"finally come"

Meisha pulled her into the room, and Feng Bai who was following her was shut out of the door just like that.

"I'll see how it goes"

Meisha took the bundle from Feng Qining's hand, opened it, and nodded when she saw two pieces of red cloth inside.

“It doesn't look like much, but it's ok”

Feng Qining really wanted to strangle her to death, she really didn't feel pain in her back when she was standing and talking, for these rags, she would destroy the maids around her.

They didn't do this, and Bu didn't know how many horses were damaged.

"What is this for?"

Yang Yue looked at the two pieces of rags, and her eyes were still a little confused.

"What are you doing? Of course it's for you to wear."

Feng Qining couldn't stand her confusion, what else did she think this thing could be used for except for her to wear?

"This thing is obviously clothes, right?"[

Meisha stuffed the clothes into her hands: "Okay, go and try it quickly"

Looking at the two pieces of cloth, Yang Yue panicked: "Is it for me to wear? How can I wear this thing?"

Are they right?This thing can't be worn at all, how can this thing be worn?

"I know you can't wear it, I'm here, there's no problem"

Meisha pushed her aside, seeing her like this, cold sweat dripped down Feng Qining's forehead, did she know that she looked like a hooligan.

"Mei, Miss Mei, what are you doing?"

Yang Yue seemed to be frightened by this kind of obsession.

"What are you doing? Of course I want to help you change your clothes. Are you planning to wear this?"

What kind of seduction are you doing wearing this?Why don't you come directly?

Yang Yue's face was full of confusion, she said so, but there is no difference between wearing this thing and not wearing it?

"Of course there is a difference. Wearing this makes you look more attractive. This man always wants to see what he can't see. On the contrary, if you show him all at once, then you will be a little mysterious to him. The feeling is gone, so what is the temptation?"

Yang Yue's face was flushed by Meisha's words. What she said was too explicit, and it was the first time she heard such bold words.

"Okay, don't hesitate, listen to me, it's absolutely right"

Meisha stuffed the two pieces of cloth into Yang Yue's hands: "Try it quickly and see if it fits."

Yang Yue looked at Feng Qining, and Feng Qining kept nodding: "Go and try it, how will you know if you don't try?"

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