"It's probably addictive"

The other person replied indifferently, and the two of them pushed the door in without looking, but unexpectedly the door was closed.Fiction Rankings
Feng Qining raised her eyebrows, as for the broken door, would he also close it?

"It's probably locked up to beat people."

Murong Li guessed, in fact, apart from that reason, there is no other reason. [

"Who doesn't know that he beats people around here? Why bother?"

Yichu disdains, he beats so loudly, and he is not deaf, how can he not hear?

"People like it, can you control it?"

Feng Qining's words made the two people next to her silent. They really liked her, so they really couldn't care less.

Feng Yu listened to their words with contempt in her eyes, how could they not understand such a simple truth?This family's ugliness is not publicized, even if it is publicized, shouldn't it be so exaggerated?

The reputation of beating his wife and children is already bad, but he has to open the door to beat him. Does he want others to watch?

He's not so heartless yet, is he?

"The door is still locked, Wang Qi."

The man pushed the door, but the people inside didn't seem to hear it.

They had a lot of fun pushing the door below, but it was a pain for Feng Qining and the three of them. The roof was already crumbling. After they pushed the door so hard, Feng Qining had a feeling that she was going to fall in the next second.

"He seems to be sleeping inside, but why is he sleeping on the ground?"

Through the natural broken hole, one of them saw Wang Qi inside.

"Maybe it feels cool on the ground"

Someone couldn't push the door open, so he just opened the broken hole a little bit, and then got in.

Feng Qining was stunned and seemed to be in disbelief. In fact, she admired that person in her heart. The hole was at least one meter high, and it wasn't very big. He actually got in like a dog.

Wrong, he is much stronger than a dog, the dog's dog hole is against the ground, a hole that is one meter high, the dog can't get in.

The first one went in, and of course the second one was not far behind. He followed the example of the first one and passed by with one step.

Feng Qining's eyes widened again, it's a pity that these two people don't go hurdling, wrong, there is no such thing as post-Olympics here, alas, they really buried their talents.

"Ning'er, why are you shaking your head?"

Seeing her shaking her head and sighing again, Yichu felt strange.

"It's nothing, I think those two people are talents, but it's a pity they were buried"

Those two people are talents?Yichu disdains it, as far as he sees it, it's almost useless.

"I agree with what Feng said, those two people are talents, but they put their talents in other places"

Look, how successful they are in this business. I don't know how many ignorant girls have been ruined in their hands.

I saw those two people walking in front of Wang Qi after entering the dilapidated thatched hut.

"Wang Qi"

One of them stretched out his foot and kicked the person on the ground without moving.

The other person saw a pot of tea next to him, so he picked up the tea and poured it all on Wang Qi's body.

"It's raining, it's raining"

Wang Qi jumped up from the ground.

"Blow your head"

Another person kicked over, and Wang Qi fell to the ground again, probably because he just woke up, Wang Qi hadn't reacted yet, and he shouted: "Which one who is not afraid of death dares to kick the uncle?"

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