"it is me"

The person who kicked him stood up, seeing that it was that person, the arrogance on Wang Qi's face dissipated, and he looked at him flatteringly: "Brother Chang, so it was you."

"Hmph, it's not me, who else do you think comes to a place like yours?"

Wang Qi smiled flatteringly, but in fact he was very disdainful in his heart, he was just a little bit better than him, why pretend to be the boss?

"Look at what time it is now, are you still sleeping?" [

He didn't say he didn't know, Wang Qi looked at the dark sky outside, and he exclaimed: "Why is it so late?"

"You think it's still early, you sleep like a pig, you can't wake up without crying"

Is he asleep?Wang Qi thought for a while, and finally remembered: "I didn't fall asleep, someone beat me"

Where is someone hitting him?Feng Qining played with the ribbon on her wrist, obviously her ribbon made him faint. www>

"Forget it, who will make you dizzy?"

Hearing what he said, Brother Chang obviously didn't believe it, and it made him dizzy. Who cares about him?Besides, why do people make him dizzy?It's poor and white here, there's no need for that at all.

"Really, I was beating my son of a bitch and passed out out of nowhere"

What he said made the two people next to him even more unbelievable, and the more he said it, the more outrageous it became.

"Even if I want to knock you out, I have to come in, right? The door was closed when we came in."

It's still closed from the inside, besides, what do people want him to do with that bastard?Even if you want to find a child to raise, you must find a better one. Judging by his appearance, the child is not much better.

"Okay, what are you doing so much? Let's hurry up now"

The other person was a little impatient to hear them talking here. In his opinion, these are small things.

Wang Qi looked around, but he didn't see his wife and child. He said with certainty: "I'm sure those people knocked me out and took my child away."

Those people are really too much, that is obviously his child, what right do they have to take away?

"Okay, take it away, take it away, aren't you happy that someone raises your child for nothing?"

That brother Chang was impatient anymore, he grabbed Wang Qi and left.

Seeing him like that, Feng Qining blinked. It turns out that he is not only good at hurdling, but also has great strength.

"Hey, brother Chang, slow down, don't you have time, don't worry"

"I don't want you to waste time like this. Finish the work as soon as possible, and I will go to Wenrou Township earlier" [

Hearing these vulgar words, the murderous look in Feng Qining's eyes became a little heavier. These scumbags always want to play with women and sell women. Why don't they think about it? Their mothers are also women. Don't you have any intolerance?

Feng Qining and the others followed closely behind, perhaps because the murderous look in her eyes was too strong, Wang Qi walked for a while, and suddenly turned to look back.

"Do you feel like there is something behind?"

He shrinks back, there is no moon tonight, and the wind is very cold, for some reason, he always feels as if something is following him behind him.

"Where is something? You think too much"

Brother Chang disdained it, Wang Qi looked back, but couldn't see anything, so he turned around and continued walking.

Seeing their behavior, Feng Qining rolled her eyes and thought about it.

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