Feng Bai watched Yichu and Murongli pulling him out of the palace, one on the left and one on the right, and asked them what's the matter, they said it was an accident or something serious.look
He doesn't quite understand, what does this big event have to do with him?This is his country, and he can't help if something big happens, but no matter what he says, they can't help but pull him out.

He thought they were taking him to the palace, but it was clearly not the way, and then he thought they wanted him to come out for dinner, but when he stopped, he saw that they were looking for him to come to the brothel.

Feng Bai felt very surprised, didn't these two treat Feng Qining wholeheartedly?Why bring him to the brothel now?Are they trying to get out of the wall?

"Where did all this nonsense come from? Just go in" [

Murong Li took him in regardless of 21, Yichu followed closely behind, Yan Chen and Yan Yun had already greeted inside, and the man at the door was still a man, in Feng Qining's words, this is Huaman The characteristics of the building should not be changed.

After entering, Feng Bai found that there were many people inside, and those people's faces were very excited, as if they were discussing something.

Feng Qi Ning hid in the dark, and when she saw the three of them coming in, she kicked Mei Sha out.

"Damn woman, you are so rude"

After going out, Meisha still didn't forget to glare at her, Feng Qining just ignored her, and waved to the people next to her, the music started, and Meisha started to dance.

"What's so good about this?"

Looking at the dancing figure above, Feng Bai disdains, after seeing Mei Sha and Feng Qining, he doesn't think there are any beauties in this world, the one above is probably an ugly one, right?

"Red Lotus Girl, Red Lotus Girl"

The people below shouted eagerly, Feng Bai's eyes showed even more contempt, these ordinary people always do this, when they see a girl who looks better, they think they see a fairy.

"Don't you recognize who she is?"

Murong Li looked at him mysteriously, Feng Bai was puzzled: "Why should I recognize her?"

He does know this Huamanlou, but isn't this one opened by Feng Qi?They didn't come anywhere, but they wanted to come here. If she found out, wouldn't they be finished?

"Look carefully again, are you sure you don't recognize it?"

Yichu also looked at him expectantly. Seeing their mysterious looks, Feng Bai finally started to look at them seriously. The more he looked, the more he felt that figure was familiar, but he couldn't say exactly where it was familiar.

Lifting off the veil with his slender hands, he saw clearly the face under the veil, anger appeared on Feng Bai's face, he never thought that that person would be a murderer.

By the way, he remembered, Feng Qining said that Meisha is not an ordinary woman, she can do anything.

Yan Chen came out and told the people present about Meisha's idea of ​​selling himself, the highest bidder gets it. Hearing this, Feng Bai's face turned completely dark.

She has no money to use, does she?Want to sell yourself?

"Why are you angry? Isn't this an opportunity? If you buy her, then she will be yours" [

Murong Li touched Feng Bai's arm, Feng Qining finally came up with this idea, it was specially prepared for him.

"Who came up with the idea?"

Feng Bai looked at Murong Li and Yi Chu, probably only they could come up with such an idea, this woman belongs to him, he has already decided on it, so why should it cost money?

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