"Don't blame us, she did it herself"

Murong Li put all the responsibility on Mei Sha.

"Is she stupid? How could she sell herself?"

Feng Bai didn't believe them, how shrewd it was to kill that woman, how could he do such a stupid thing?

"Believe it or not, anyway, she has no objections now, you can figure it out yourself" [

If he didn't want to, they would naturally not force him, but if this charming killer was sold away by others, then don't blame them.

Feng Bai looked at them angrily, they were forcing him to take action, but could he not take action?May I?Naturally it is impossible?

"10 taels"

Feng Bai's clear voice covered the whole audience, Mei Sha opened her eyes wide, she seemed to be in disbelief, she wiped her eyes, but that Feng Bai still did not disappear.

Now she was sure that what she saw was not a phantom, but a real person.

Damn, why is he here?Stamping her feet, she turned her head to look at Feng Qining, but where is Feng Qining's figure?

"I am 11 taels"

When Meisha was about to go crazy, Feng Qining's voice finally sounded, Meisha glared at her, and finally came out, almost falling into the hands of that man.

Feng Baiyan looked at her with murderous intent, Feng Qining looked back without fear at all, this is her sister, if you want it, show your sincerity, of course, for Feng Qining, this sincerity can also be used with money bought.

The more money he paid, the greater his sincerity.

"I offer 11 million taels of gold"

As soon as Feng Bai said this, those people gasped. This price is definitely higher than any other woman, and there has never been a brothel woman who can sell such a high price.

Who is this person?Seeing that he looks very shrewd, he doesn't look like a fool, so how could he sell a brothel girl back for such a high price?

Meisha kept winking at Feng Qining, Feng Qining winked at her innocently, she wanted it too, but she had no money, how could she have so much money to sell her?

Just like that, Meisha was sold by Feng Bai for 11 taels of gold.


As soon as she got off the stage, Meisha rushed towards Feng Qining, and Feng Bai immediately stood in front of her.

"Dead woman, from now on, you are mine"

Feng Bai lifted her up, a bold woman, if she doesn't teach her a lesson, she doesn't know how to behave. [

"Master Feng, Miss Mei will be yours from now on, you should take her back quickly now."

Feng Qining looked at Feng Bai with a smile, Feng Bai snorted coldly, turned around and left, no matter how hard Meisha struggled, he didn't let her go.

"Feng, is this okay?"

Looking at the backs of those two, Murong Li asked worriedly, based on what he knew about Mei Sha, that woman would not give up so easily.

"Well, things have happened, what else?"

That's right, Murong Li shrugged, this has already happened, so what else?

"Okay, I successfully dealt with one thing, I'm tired, let's go back and rest"

As soon as I got back to the palace, the maid came to report, saying that the old lady was looking for her, as if there was something urgent.

"Almost forgot about her"

Feng Qining patted her forehead, why are there so many trivial things recently?It seems to be always busy.

"What's wrong with me?"

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