Like a ghost, Feng Qining appeared in front of the woman, who was startled by her.

"The women of the people see the Queen's Empress"

Feng Qining had no choice but to tell her not to salute, but she didn't seem to hear it, she always knelt down once she saw her, and she didn't know how many times she had told her.

"Okay, get up, what do you want from me?"

Very casually, Feng Qining sat in front of her, seeing her lazy appearance, the woman lowered her head. [

"Your Majesty, the woman wants to ask, last night..."

She just wanted to ask, what happened to that man last night, did she kill him?

"That man, do you still miss him?"

Feng Qining was a little surprised by her question, did she call her here in such a hurry, did she just want to ask this?

"Of course not, I wish he would die"

There was hatred in the aunt's eyes. If it wasn't for him, she might be living happily now. It can be said that a large part of her misfortune was caused by him.

"That's fine, I plan to torture him well, so that he will die, that would be a pity"

There was a cold chill in Feng Qining's dark eyes, the aunt couldn't help trembling, perhaps feeling Feng Qining's fear, the child began to cry loudly.

Feng Qining's forehead slid down a black line, that child was really too much, he cried when he saw her, why was he crying?is she scary

"By the way, ma'am, I don't know why, but he has been crying all day, can you ask a doctor to look at him?"

The aunt looked at Feng Qining pleadingly, she told the maids today, but the maids said that the emperor and empress are not in the palace, they can't make a decision.

"Okay, come on, let's get the imperial doctor"

Feng Qining originally wanted to call Murong Li, but thought that he was not free now, besides, the imperial physicians in the palace had been useless for a long time, and if they were not used any more, they would be rusted.

The imperial doctor heard that it was the empress calling them, so she came here in a hurry, looking at their sloppy bodies, Feng Qining shook her head.

They eat and do nothing all day long, it doesn't make sense for them not to be fat.

"See empress empress, empress is auspicious"

"Okay, don't be too polite, hurry up and see how the aunt's child is doing"

After Feng Qining gave the order, the imperial physician naturally didn't dare to neglect her, and hurried forward.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry, he just contracted a cold, and he will be fine after taking one or two patches of medicine" [

The doctor's words made the aunt heave a sigh of relief. Her most precious thing is this child. If something happens to it again, what will she do?

"Don't worry, it's okay. Let's talk about children. There is no family planning here. You can have as many children as you want. Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. I'm going to bed."

Feng Qining looked at the sky, it's already midnight, women always go to bed late, it's easy to get old.

"Congratulations to the Empress"

When the aunt raised her head again, there was no sign of Feng Qining at the same place, and she found that Feng Qining always came and went without a trace like this.

The next day, as Feng Qining expected, Mei Sha did not come to her, and without that woman beside her, she suddenly felt clean, but what she found strange was why Zong Zhenghao also disappeared?

Where did he go?


The guards hurried up: "Empress Empress"

"Call the Zongzheng Prince"

Those guards left under orders, and when they came back, they told Feng Qining that Zong Zhenghao had already left.

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