
Feng Qining was surprised, didn't he, did he leave without saying hello?

"Then, do you want to send someone to chase him back?"

The guard suggested cautiously.

"What are you doing chasing after? Do I think that the trouble is not enough?" [

He left as soon as he left, and there was no need to chase him back. She was surprised, she didn't expect him to leave so soon.

"I should be happy to send away a plague god. Okay, it's okay, you guys go down."

Bored, Feng Qining was sitting on the tree, her feet were shaking every now and then, her body leaned lightly on the tree trunk, her face was slightly tilted, the light fell from the gaps in the leaves into her eyes, the stars were dotted , pleated and bright.

The white gauze was fluttering in the wind, and it was particularly conspicuous against the green one. There were a few maids guarding her below, and they all looked at her worriedly.

Murong Li went to watch the memorial, and she was the only one who was free in her heart. They didn't understand why the empress would run to the tree when she was free.

Isn't it good for her to stay peacefully?

Of course they wouldn't know that it wasn't Feng Qining who stayed peacefully.

Not knowing what to think of, Feng Qining took out the flute from her bosom, and the melodious sound of the flute sounded quickly, there was nostalgia in her eyes, she didn't know what she was missing, and no one knew what she was missing.

A bird cry pierced the sky, Feng Qining looked happily at the sky.

"Little □□, come down"

Feng Qining's ribbon flew out, seeing the familiar ribbon, Zhu Chiniao swooped down.

When it heard the familiar sound of the flute, it felt that it was hallucinating, but the sound of the flute did not disappear. It was listening carefully, as if it was really played by the master.

Following the sound of the flute, it flew over. I didn't expect to see the familiar ribbon, but what about the owner?

Before the maids realized what was going on, they felt a strong wind blowing down from above, and then a fiery red bird appeared in front of them.

"Little □□, here"

Feng Qining waved her hand at it, but Zhu Chiniao looked at her as if she didn't know her.

She can play the same flute as the master, but will she be the master?They look different.

"Dirty, if you don't come up, it's like wanting me to pluck your hair"

With a flash of light, Zhu Chiniao arrived in Feng Qining's arms. [

The familiar smell let Zhu Chiniao know that its owner is back.

It spread its wings and seemed to want to hug her.

"Okay, what does it look like to hug and hug, you give me a little peace of mind, where is the kitten?"

How could it know about it? It wasn't with it in the first place.

Feng Qining scratched its feathers: "Then why don't you hurry up and find it?"

Why should it look for it?The scarlet bird looked at her sadly, it had just come to her side, why did it go after that stupid leopard?

"Okay, don't be naughty, go find it quickly, find it and bring it here"

Reluctantly, Zhu Chiniao left, and it didn't take long to find the tiger and leopard, because it also heard Feng Qining's flute, but it didn't dare to go into the city, those people might beat it to death and eat it up.

"Miss, are you alright?"

Those palace maids stood up and looked at Feng Qining with worry in their eyes.

She can't have something to do, if she has something to do, Murong Li will definitely skin them.

"What can I do? It was just my pet just now"

Feng Qining's words surprised those maids, her pet?Since when did she have pets?

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