Just when the maid wanted to ask something, the strong wind blew again. Before those people could react, a leopard appeared in front of them.


Seeing the leopard, the palace maids fled in fright.

"Little cat, you're scaring people again"

Feng Qining jumped down from the tree, the leaves were flying, she landed firmly in front of the tiger and leopard, the tiger and leopard jumped on it excitedly. [

"Just met, don't be so enthusiastic"

Feng Qining let its paw rest on her shoulder, seeing Feng Qining, Hubao was very happy, perhaps feeling her happiness, Hubao kept rubbing her head against Feng Qining.

"I don't know if you have long worms, but you actually came to rub me like this"

Feng Qining opened the distance between them a little, Hubao looked at her sadly, what did she say?That said it looks dirty and messy.

"Emperor, empress empress."

Seeing that Feng Qining was with that tiger and leopard, those maids were so frightened that their legs went limp. Isn't she afraid of it at all?

"Little cat, go play with them."

Tigers and leopards have disliked them for a long time. When they saw it, they yelled and shouted at the side, it is so cute, how can it be scary?

"Don't, don't come here."

Seeing the tiger and leopard walking towards them slowly, the maids trembled with fear.


The tiger and leopard let out a long roar, and then rushed towards them. The maids closed their eyes in fear, but the expected pain did not come. Be careful, they opened their eyes. It turned out that the tiger and leopard were just scaring them.

The tiger and leopard kept rubbing their heads against them, feeling the cuteness of the tiger and leopard, the maid carefully stretched out her hand, and after a while, they fell in love with the tiger and leopard.

"Cat, come here"

The tiger and leopard rushed to Feng Qining, Feng Qining pointed to the chair beside her, and the tiger and leopard immediately jumped on it.

The sensible appearance of the tiger and leopard is even more flattering to those maids, they really haven't seen such a sensible animal.

"Master, where have you been?"

The tiger and leopard looked at Feng Qining, they thought she was dead, since she was not dead, why did they come looking for them at this time?

"Stupid, your master, how can I die so easily?" [

Feng Qining played with the tiger's and leopard's fur, but the tiger's leopard had a bad premonition, something bad would happen if he didn't behave like this, the master must be trying to do something, right?

"Find out, I don't want to pluck your hair"

Just as the tiger and leopard were about to relax, they wanted to cry when Feng Qining said next: "I only cut your hair."

no?The entire face of the tiger and leopard was wrinkled together.

At this time, two women came from the other side, they were none other than Ruoxue and Ruowu.

Seeing the tiger and leopard, the two hurried over.

They had heard that Feng Qining had two pets, one was a tiger and leopard, and the other was of course a scarlet bird, but she never saw them again after she died, and they naturally never saw them either. Didn't expect to see it again today.

"Master, these two are your pets, right?"

Seeing the shining red scarlet bird, Ruowu really wanted to reach out and touch it, but for some reason, she felt displeasure in its eyes, because there seemed to be flames floating inside.

"Of course, you can touch it if you want, it's okay."

With Feng Qining's assurance, Ruowu touched it without any scruples, and she tugged at Zhu Chiniao's feathers.

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