Zhu Chiniao finally turned from being happy to depressed. Originally, it was very happy to see Feng Qining playing with tigers and leopards, but now it has become the object of being played by others.Passionate picture feast
Who can accept the difference between heaven and hell?And looking at the stupid look of this person, I don't know how to play with it. It is a bird, a bird, not a plaything.

"Master, it doesn't seem happy?"

Ruowu fiddled with Zhu Chiniao's head, and said to Feng Qining thoughtfully.

"Nonsense, would you be happy if you were played like this?" [

Ruowu understood, it turned out that it was not happy that she was playing with it, Ruowu didn't know how to restrain herself, she just grabbed the scarlet bird's wings and lifted it up.

The scarlet bird had the urge to peck her, didn't she know that it would be very painful to grab it like this?

"Master, can't it bark?"

It turned out that Ruowu wanted to hear it call.

"Of course it will. It's holding back. If you say you want to pluck its feathers, it will bark."

Is there such a master?Zhu Chiniao wanted to hit the wall, it still had a little bit of status before, why did it lose even a little bit of status when she came back now?

"Screw it or not, or I'll pluck your hair"

Hmph, Zhu Chiniao turned his head away in a jerk, seeing how it looked, Feng Qining looked at it threateningly.

Is it barking or plucking?Seeing Feng Qining's threatening eyes, Zhu Chiniao yelled twice very depressed.

Its voice was a bit like that of an eagle, listening to this voice, Ruo Wu patted his chest.

"Forget it, you better stop barking, it makes me flustered"

Ruoxue, who had been silent all this time, finally said after Ruowu's words: "Its barking is really ugly, like a crow."

The scarlet bird was angry, it flapped its wings, and fire burst out from those fiery eyes.

"Master, it seems to be angry"

As if afraid, Ruowu threw it away after a while, Zhu Chiniao never thought that she would let go at this time, and before she had time to flap her wings, she fell straight to the ground.

Feng Qining watched it fall to the ground, and shook her head: "Little □□, you are getting worse and worse, can't you fly? You still fall down"

Who said that if you can fly, you won't fall?Even if it can fly, it can also fall, okay?Not to mention such a low place, how can it fly?

Seeing how it poked, Feng Qining wanted to say something, but a dart flew over at this moment.

Feng Qining stretched out her hand and held the dart. There was a note on the dart. [

"See you at the broken temple at midnight"

Looking at the note, Feng Qining frowned. She looked left and right, but she couldn't tell who passed it to her.

"Master, that person is gone"

Ruoxue jumped down, Feng Qining nodded: "I know, you won't be able to catch up"

If they can catch up, that person will not come. Since he dares to come, he is naturally confident.

"Master, who is asking you out?"

Ruowu asked curiously, if you are an acquaintance, just come in directly, why do you use such a method?

"I don't know, is it a human or a ghost, why don't you go and see it?"

Feng Qining said indifferently, she has offended many people, who knows which enemy came to her door?

"It seems that who was caught by that person, and then he planned to threaten you, young master, young master, who do you think?"

Feng Qi Ning pondered, she was actually thinking about it, but she couldn't think of it for a while.

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