"What are you doing?"

Feng Yu walked over from the side and saw that they were all silently looking at something, following their gazes, he naturally saw the note in Feng Qining's hand, and raised his eyebrows.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

"Ning'er, who did you hook up with outside?"

Feng Yu's words made Feng Qining angry: "Brother, tell me what you said clearly, what do you mean I hooked up with someone again?"

When did she hook up with people?She has always been very quiet? [

"If you want to hook up, it's someone else hooking me up"

Isn't that still the same?Feng Yu snorted.

"Can Ning'er tell me who is here to hook you up now?"

I don't know, Feng Qining's eyes also showed confusion: "I don't know the handwriting, I don't know who asked me out"

"What are you going to do?"

what to do?Of course it is to go and see, no matter who the other party is, she has to go and see, to see who is not afraid of death to ask her out.

During lunch, Murongli and Yichu also knew about this matter, so naturally, the two of them also wanted to go, Feng Qining didn't mind, anyway, the crowd was so lively, it was enough to attract attention.

Many people bully few people, it has always been like this, many people are powerful.

Evening came soon, but it was not twelve o'clock yet, Feng Qining looked at the sky boredly.

"There are still many hours left, when can we wait?"

At this moment there was commotion at the door, Mei Sha walked in from the outside, seeing her, Feng Qining stood up, she could feel Mei Sha's anger.

She is in tragedy this time, and it is estimated that it is not only a tragedy, but there will be more tragedies.

"Phoenix Kill"

Meisha shouted Feng Qining's name loudly, upon hearing that name, Feng Qining was terrified.

"Hehe, Mei, if you have something to say, why are you yelling like this? Are you still sleeping?"

Meisha didn't care about her smile, she stretched out her hand to grab Feng Qining, but Murong Li stood in front of her: "If you want to catch her, you should ask me first."

"Step aside"

Meisha's voice was cold, and murderous intent flashed across her bright eyes. At this moment, how could she still have that gentle look?

"Don't let" [

Murong Li didn't admit defeat either, the atmosphere between the two began to become tense, Feng Qi Ning looked at the two people who were about to explode, and quickly pulled Murong Li behind her.

"Limei, don't be angry, don't be angry, Mei has no other meaning"

She had other meanings, Meisha didn't care about Feng Qining, only saw her grab her.

"Hey, Mei, don't be angry, just speak up if you have something to say."

Feng Qining followed her out, watching Mei Sha capture Feng Qining, Murong Li wanted to catch up, but Yi Chu and Feng Yu held him back.

"What are you doing with her girlfriends? Don't worry, she won't do anything to Ning'er."

That's what he said, but seeing Mei Sha's behavior, he was very afraid that she would beat Feng Qining.

"Chu is right, don't worry, nothing will happen"

Murong Li didn't say anything, just looked outside the door.

"Mei, don't be angry, Xiaobai is willing to pay so much for you, doesn't that mean he cares about you?"

I don't care about it, it's okay if she doesn't talk about it, but Meisha's head is about to smoke when she talks about it.

"Do you know what he sold me back for?"

What are you doing?Aren't you a wife?Feng Qining blinked.

"He treats me like a slave, no, worse than a slave, he wants me to warm my bed"

Meisha clenched her fist, and her teeth were clenched.

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