Feng Qi was stunned for a moment, and then finally couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, Xiaobai is blind, right? He actually wants you to be a slave. Tell me, besides killing people, what else can you do?"

Charming Shanu, she looked at Feng Qining with a half-smile: "What did you just say? Tell me again."

Feng Qi kept her mouth shut, she was so happy for a moment that she got carried away with complacency.

"No, I didn't say anything just now, you were hallucinating" [

She is hallucinating, her sense of hearing is good, can she hallucinate?

"I don't care, you must save me from the sea of ​​suffering"

That Feng Bai, because he bought her with money, felt that she belonged to him, ordered her to do everything, and the most hateful thing was that she had to wash his clothes.

Go to hell, who is she?She is a killer, when did she help someone wash clothes?

So, she was very angry and cut his clothes into pieces, so Feng Bai was also angry, and the final result was that she and him had a fight.

She didn't use a weapon, and he didn't use his internal strength, so he just fought hand to hand.

Listening to Meisha's words, Feng Qining laughed even harder, it was so funny, she regretted that she didn't see such a wonderful fight.

"Then in the end, who loses and who wins?"

Feng Qining is curious, these two people seem to be very powerful, and they are on par, if Feng Bai doesn't use his internal strength, he may not be able to defeat Mei Sha.

"Damn woman, you should care about whether I get hurt instead of who wins or loses"

Meisha has the urge to trample her to death, she has to doubt whether this is the Fengsha she knows, the Fengsha she knows is very protective, if anyone treats her badly, she can fight people desperately, now What about this person?Always pushing her in the other direction.

"Uh, I care about you. Look at you standing here now, proving that there is nothing wrong. If something happened, you wouldn't be standing here."

Meisha finally couldn't hold it anymore, her hand grabbed Feng Qining's neck: "Fengsha, I want to kill you"

Feng Qining felt that it was difficult to breathe, she was depressed, what was she doing?How did he offend her?

"Let go, I'm dying"

Feng Qining kept rolling her eyes, Mei Sha let her go quickly, it's not good to be with someone she knows well, if she didn't know her, she would have killed her long ago, so why bother with her?

"Ahem, cruel woman, you can actually do it, I was almost strangled to death by you"

Feng Qi Ning touched her neck, her tiny neck, how could it withstand her tossing like this?Isn't this killing her?

"Is there anything I can't do? Let me tell you, I really want to strangle you"[

Meisha looked at her angrily, and didn't know to sympathize with her at all. She has fallen into this situation, and she has nothing to do with her. She was also the one who came up with the idea, and she was the one who messed up in the end.

If it wasn't for her, why would she be here now?If you weren't here, how could you meet that scumbag?If she didn't meet that scumbag, her life would be fine.

"Hey, you can't say that. If it wasn't for me, how could you meet your lover?"

The beloved is her size, is that man considered a beloved?Does it count?It can only be regarded as garbage.

"Ahem, don't care what he is, shouldn't you tell me, you two, who won?"

What Feng Qining was most curious about was this, she really couldn't figure it out.

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