"Don't worry, she has a sense of proportion"

Meisha knows how to make men take the bait little by little, but Feng Qining shook her head on Feng Bai's side, forget it, let her handle her own affairs, she can't do anything.

When we came to the garden, the tiger, leopard and scarlet bird seemed to be fighting for something, but one leopard and one bird were actually confronting each other.

As she got closer, Feng Qining realized that those two guys were fighting for a piece of meat, surrounded by palace maids and eunuchs, they were fascinated by watching and talking about it.

"I bet the tiger and leopard win, it is the king, the bird will be afraid of it"[

A little eunuch said that the maid next to him disagreed: "I don't think so, you see that bird is like a ball of fire, maybe it will breathe fire, and then burn the leopard."

"Hey, what are you guys arguing about? They haven't fought yet. Hurry up and fight!"

Someone next to them was dissatisfied that they were just confronting each other and did not intend to open fire.

"What are you doing?"

A cold and majestic voice sounded behind them, and that cold voice caused the surrounding temperature to drop suddenly.

"Auspicious Empress"

Before turning around, those people saluted first. After turning around, they found that Murong Li was also there, and they hurriedly saluted again: "Long live the emperor, long live, long live!"

"Don't patronize the salute, I ask what are you doing?"

Feng Qining was furious, they were actually instigating Tiger Leopard and Zhu Chiniao to fight, did they know that if these two fight, but no matter what, there will be casualties at that time, maybe they will be injured by accident It's over.

"Hui Niang Niang, we, we are looking at them"

A eunuch trembled and said, Feng Qining's lips flashed a cold light: "Hurry up and get out, let me see you next time, you all don't want to live!"

"Yes Yes"

Trembling, those eunuchs and maids left.

Feng Qining usually doesn't get angry, but getting angry is terrifying and they can't bear it.

Seeing those eunuchs and court ladies leaving, Hubao and Zhu Chiniao rushed towards Feng Qining from left to right, Feng Qining flicked her sleeves, and they fanned aside.

The two animals looked at her plaintively.

"What are you doing? You two bastards, are you going to fight over a piece of meat?"

Feng Qining pointed at them with trembling fingers, Tiger Leopard and Zhu Chiniao lowered their heads in a sensible way, obediently listening to Feng Qining's lesson.

"You like meat, don't you?" [

Feng Qining took out a dagger, and the gleaming dagger made Tiger Leopard and Zhu Chiniao tremble uncontrollably.

"You have meat on your body, I will cut it off for you so that you can eat enough"

Feng Qining's words made those two guys crawl down.

Master wouldn't be so cruel, would he?They all knew they were wrong, so she wouldn't treat them like this?

Feng Qining walked into them, the tiger leopard and the vermilion bird were too scared to resist, would it be useful for them to resist?Feng Qining got angry, maybe she cooked them and ate them.

Of course, Feng Qining didn't use a knife on them, she just plucked out a bunch of hairs from both of them, but the pain caused the two guys to roll on the ground.

"It hurts, you know it hurts, if you don't learn your lesson, I will make you suffer even more"

They didn't dare anymore, never dared again, the tiger leopard and the scarlet bird kept shaking their heads, as if expressing their determination.

Feng Qining snorted, grabbed one with each hand, what kind of animal did she raise, how could she be so stupid?

After sitting down, Feng Qining thought that she had something to do.

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