"Li Meiren, the person we arrested last time is still in the prison, right?"

She almost forgot about them, there were too many things going on recently, she was a little dizzy from being so busy.

"It's still there, does Feng want to interrogate them?"

She wanted to take care of this matter, so he left it to her. It was better for her to do these things than to run outside all day.

"Hmm, let's go and see" [

Feng Qining stood up, and a group of people walked towards the prison to dismiss the guards, and Feng Qining followed the head of the prison to the prison where those people were held.

Seeing someone coming, those people raised their heads and saw that it was Feng Qining, their eyes showed fear.

In the past few days, their lives have been quite miserable, worse than when they were beggars.

It turned out that Murong Li ordered others to only feed them one meal a day, and they were not allowed to eat enough for that meal, and then sent a few people to pretend to be ghosts to scare them from time to time, listening to those strange voices.

They couldn't sleep all night, and there was no such thing as day and night in this kind of place. They couldn't eat well, and if they couldn't sleep well, their spirits were close to a state of collapse.

"Please, please let us go"

Seeing Feng Qining, that Lord Xin ran over, he couldn't stay in this kind of place anymore, he was about to collapse.

"Let you go? What about the many ignorant girls who were killed by you?"

She killed so many people and wanted to run away, what was the reason for that day? If there is no reason for heaven, then she will act for heaven.

Unjust is doomed to destruction!

"I, we can't help it. If we don't do this, then we won't be able to live."

At this time, it is difficult to survive. If they don't do such things, they may starve to death.

"Go to hell, can't you survive? How did so many people survive? You have hands and feet, can you starve to death?"

It's fine if you want to spend a lot of time, and you still make so many excuses, and you don't know how to repent at this time, let's see how she punishes them.

"Your Majesty, just let us go, we will never dare again"

Another person also ran over, and his apology was quite sincere, but after doing so many things, Feng Qining had already decided to kill them.

"Tell me, is there someone behind you?"

Feng Qining's words made them raise their heads, and they didn't speak for a while.

"You know it even if you don't tell me, I originally wanted to let you live, but now it seems that there is no need"

Feng Qining's words made those people keep kowtow: "No, Madam, please let us go, auntie"

Is it useful to call grandma?

"Give you another chance, who is behind it?"

"I, I don't know, I only know that we will put the captured woman in that ruined temple, and then someone will come to collect it, and finally they will keep the money, empress, please let us go, we just Just doing things for others”

Lord Xin kept kowtow, he didn't want to die yet, he didn't live enough, he didn't want to die yet.

"Let you go? You're thinking beautifully. If you let you go, wouldn't the girl who was murdered by you die tragically? Li Meiren, please make an order."

After finishing speaking, Feng Qining turned around and left, the imperial decree came down very quickly, these people wanted to □□□□, when they knew that they were the murderers who killed the young girl, the people in the capital were very excited.

Murong Li's image became even taller in the hearts of the common people, and Feng Qi Ning also became great.

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