"Limei, you are even greater now, those people regard you as a god"

Feng Qi Ning leaned on Murong Li, those common people now pass them on like a god, she feels a lot of pressure, she is not a good person, she usually only does things she is not used to.

"These are all thanks to Feng"

She doesn't have any credit. To put it bluntly, she really just can't understand them. She is also a woman. Why should a woman be bullied like this?Are they disgusted with women?

Don't forget, they were born by women too. [

When the aunt came with those maids, what she saw was Feng Qining and Murong Li sitting on the stone chairs in the gazebo. Laughing, reassuring her.

This fairy-like picture made the aunt envious. The two people were like people in the painting, they could only be seen from a distance, but not touched.

"See Your Majesty, Your Majesty the Empress"

The aunt knelt down, Feng Qining tilted her head: "Come on, sit down"

"Don't dare, it's fine for women to kneel"

Feng Qining was helpless, Murongli shook her head wherever there was someone who could sit or not, she could kneel if she wanted to, most people are afraid of them, it's normal.

"You like it, then okay, like this, tell me that your home is in Yoshino Castle, and I will send someone to take you back in the next two days."

Feng Qining's words surprised the woman, send her back?Did she hear correctly, the empress actually said that she would send someone to take her back?

"What? You don't want to?"

Doesn't she want to go home?Then what does she want to do?

"Of course not, the women are flattered"

What could she do to ask her to send someone to take her back?

"Hehe, it's okay, you go to prepare, go back and educate your child well, let him grow up to be a man of indomitable spirit, don't be like his father, you know?"

The woman kept nodding: "Follow your mother's instruction"

Feng Qining waved her hand, and the woman stepped back, while Ruoxue hurried over from the side: "Young Master"

"Running? Did something happen?"

You left in such a hurry, did something serious happen?

"Master, it's not good"

Ruoxue ran too fast, her foot tripped over her skirt, and she fell forward. [

The ribbon flew out of Feng Qining's hand, and after a spin, Ruoxue came in front of Feng Qining.

"You're so flustered, what happened?"

What actually made her panic like this?

"Master, Ruowu was taken away"

One sentence made Feng Qining stand up.

"Which person who is not afraid of death dares to catch me?"

Murderous intent flashed through her eyes, and Feng Qining's red lips curled up.

"Who took her away, do you know?"

Ruoxue shook her head, she only felt a gust of wind blowing, and then Ruowu disappeared, the speed of that person was faster than anyone she had ever seen, so fast that she couldn't see clearly.

"Feng, do you still remember what the jade-faced young man said?"

Murong Li's mind turned quickly, and he immediately turned to that side.

His words reminded Feng Qining that it was that person. He said that he wanted to ask her for someone, but he didn't expect this person to be Ruowu.

"Didn't you say that Mr. Yumian doesn't force others? How about this time?"

Feng Qining was depressed, she just heard him say that he would not arrest people, so she relaxed her vigilance, who knew that he actually went to the palace to arrest people.

"Li Meiren, your palace is really not safe"

A black line slid down Murong Li's forehead: "Feng, at this time, shouldn't you be concerned about where your Ruo Wu was caught?"

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