"I want to save people, but I also want to say, didn't you cast a shadow around you? Why did such a thing happen?"

Although he was covered with shadows, but it was daytime, who would have thought that someone would dare to break into the palace during the daytime?To put it bluntly, that person is not afraid of death.

"Forget it, it seems that my defense is strengthened"

Feng Qining took out her piccolo, she had never used them for so long, she hoped they would not let her down.

The melodious sound of the flute was sent far, far away by Feng Qining's spell. After playing for 2 minutes, Feng Qining put down the flute. [

Yan Chen and Yan Yun suddenly appeared beside her.

"Master, you..."

What's the matter with her?Why is there a sudden shadow?She's never used them yet.

"I never do things with so many whys, come out"

Murong Li followed Feng Qining's gaze, and saw twenty people appearing on the roof at some point, Murong Li was surprised, how come, he didn't even notice where they were.


Very neatly addressed, Feng Qining nodded, yes, it has been so long, and it is still so neat.

"One to eighteen to protect the palace, the remaining two, come here"

Eighteen people disappeared immediately, the speed was so fast that Murong Li clicked his tongue, and the remaining two stopped in front of Feng Qining.

"Help me find Mr. Yumian, and then arrest him alive, you know? If you can't catch him, let me know immediately."


Those two people also disappeared in front of Feng Qining.

"Feng, when did you raise those people?"

He still doesn't know that she has such a shadow army. When did she train them?

"It's been a long time. It was cultivated five or six years ago, and it was with Yun and the others. It's just that I haven't used it. Well, let's look for it too."

Feng Qining turned to leave, Murongli looked at her back, hesitated to speak, he really wanted to tell her, does she know where to find it?

Feng Qining went to the place where Ruo Wu was taken away, but nothing was left behind. Yi Chu and Feng Yu soon received the news.

"what's wrong?"

Feng Yu hurried over. [

"I heard something happened. What happened?"

Yi Chu also came over in a hurry, seeing that Feng Qining was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Feng Qining did not have an accident, then nothing would happen.

"Ruowu was captured"

It was Ruowu who was taken away, Yichu said calmly.

"What do you mean it turned out that Ruo Wu was taken away? Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Ruoxue stared at Yichu's words, what does he mean? It's just that if Ruowu is taken away, nothing will happen, so when is he thinking about something?Is it a big deal to see Ruo Wu's body?

"Okay, I said the wrong thing"

Yichu shrugged, in fact, he really thought that way.

"Who caught Ruowu? Why did you catch her?"

Feng Yu's question hit the point, and Feng Qining repeated what Murong Li had said.

"He fell in love with Ruowu?"

Feng Yu glanced at Ruoxue, which seemed to mean, why did she only fall in love with Ruowu and not Ruoxue?

Ruoxue suddenly found out that the people around her young master were very annoying, so she had the urge to kill them.

No wonder Meisha always conflicts with them, and no wonder she hates them so much.

Turns out, there's a reason for these, and they're really, really annoying.

Meeting Ruoxue's gaze, Feng Yu withdrew her gaze.

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