Seeing them still standing stupidly behind, Feng Qining turned her head to greet them, Feng Yu and Yi Chu quickly followed.

"Ning'er, when did you have such a tacit understanding with her?"

Yichu still asked questions, for her, he always had something to ask, and he never shied away from it.

"Uh, because I'm friends with her, and she's still a girl, it's natural that there are more topics to talk about."

This is not the point, Yichu looked at her suspiciously, didn't she hear what he said clearly?What he asked was obviously not this, what he asked was why they had such a tacit understanding? [

"Okay, brother Yi, don't ask, it's important to find someone now"

Feng Qining avoids this topic, she has to go back and talk about it, of course, the most important thing is to give her time to think of an excuse.

It's never a good idea to be around smart people, because you have to find a good excuse, or they can easily detect that something is wrong.

Immediately behind Meisha, Murong Li's eyes shone with an unknown light.

This person is not very good at killing, but he is quite good at chasing people. With lightness kung fu, she can actually follow closely behind.

"Mei, did you admit your mistake? That's a woman"

Feng Qining looked at the figure in front of her, although she was a little familiar, it was still a woman.

"Do you not believe me?"

Mei Shatou didn't answer the question, she continued to follow the person in front, only to see that person turned left and right, and turned into a small alley.

"Of course not, I'm not expressing doubts."

To express doubts, does it mean that you can't trust her? After coming here, it's fine to suppress her with others. Now I have learned to doubt her. It's really okay.

"Hey, don't be angry, don't be angry, I'm just asking casually, there is absolutely no other meaning"

Feeling Meisha's anger, Feng Qining quickly shut up, she can't be angry, if she gets angry and doesn't help her, won't she have a headache?

"Hmph, you'd better not have any other intentions, or I will definitely leave it alone, and you can find it yourself slowly."

Feng Qi Ning smirked, looking at her stupid look, Feng Yu shook her head: "Ning'er, you look like an idiot"

Egg?When did she look like an egg?

Just as Feng Qining was about to say something, Meisha stopped suddenly and made a gesture to her to shut up.

Feng Qining watched the man enter the yard, and the few of them dared not show their anger. They waited at the door and watched the man enter one of the rooms.

"What do you say he came here for? Could it be that he locked Ruo Wu there?" [

Feng Qining guessed that she really wanted to go and see it, but if she went in, she would definitely feel it according to that person's internal strength.


Feng Qining called out the Zhu Chi Niao, Zhu Chi Niao understood, and flew up to the sky, only to see it slam a fan, the strong wind flew by, and the roof tiles were blown off by it.

A figure flew out from inside, Feng Qining looked carefully, there was more than one person, obviously two.

Feng Qining made a move towards Zhu Chiniao, Zhu Chiniao flew across the roof, and before that jade-faced young man could react, Zhu Chiniao grabbed him in front of Feng Qining.

"Feng, when did you raise this big bird?"

Meisha looked at Zhu Chiniao, and the thought that flashed in her heart was: Oh my god, how much does it eat for such a big bird? Feng she also said that she has no money, can she raise this giant without money? ?

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