What are you looking at?Is something wrong with her?Catching the killing gaze, Feng Qining checked herself, no, she is very normal, too normal to be normal anymore.
"Very good, I found it so quickly"

Young Master Yumian patted the dust off his body, stood up, Zhu Chiniao stood on Feng Qining's shoulder, looked at the bird, Young Master Yumian raised his eyebrows, never thought that one day he would be defeated by a bird hands.

Speaking of which, how can he mess around?These days, it's really becoming more and more impossible to mess around, and a bird is actually stronger than him.

Once the ribbon was rolled, Feng Qining brought Ruo Wu to her side, and with a light tap of her finger, the acupuncture points on Mei Sha's body were untied. [

"Scumbag, last time I saved your life, you don't know how to be grateful, but you still plan on me"

Ruowu was so angry that her teeth were itchy. She was chatting with Ruoxue in the palace, but unexpectedly a gust of wind blew by, and then she fell into the arms of a man.

This man is still a self righteous pervert, who does he think he is?Can a few sweet words subdue her?

She Ruowu has played with many more men than he has played with women. To paraphrase the words of Meisha, he is such a piece of rubbish that if given to her, she would not even want it.

"Girl, I really like you. You are in the palace, and I can't see you even if I want to see you. I really can't resist missing you. That's why I thought of this trick. I, I didn't mean it."

Listening to his words, Feng Qining raised her eyebrows, "If you want to chase a girl, you must not only speak nicely, but also be practical."

Even ghosts would not believe what he said, let alone Ruo Wu?

"Miss me? Since you can enter the palace, when do you want to come and see me? Why do you want to take me away? You are obviously uneasy and kind."

Ruowu looked at him with fiery eyes, and before he could speak, he continued: "Besides, you don't look at you like this, you have a pretty face, it's fine if you have no money or power, you're still a playboy Carrot, I want to pick up girls even if I don’t have money, I’m sorry, just stand aside.”

Mei Sha opened her mouth wide, why, why do these words sound like Feng Sha said?Only women of that power would hit people like this. If there was no money, she would be the first to rule it out.

In her words, if she can spend so much money, if she can't support her, wouldn't it be easy for her to be poor?

What's his is hers, what's hers is her own, and no one can covet her own money.

"Sure enough, he is the person you taught, the words are the same"

Meisha touched Feng Qining, Feng Qining smiled: "That's natural, I taught them all my tricks, if you are looking for a man, of course you have to find a richer one, if you don't have money , then am I losing money?"

The usual style, flattery rolls her eyes, Feng Sha never does business at a loss, and wanting people around her is harder than going to heaven.

"What is money? I have three wives and four concubines who are rich. Although I have no money, I have a sincere heart. There is no one else in my heart except you."

Humph, Ruowu snorted coldly: "Are you trying to tell me that your heart is so small that you can't accommodate anyone else except me, but you didn't tell me that your heart is easy to change, and after changing Can't stand me anymore, don't you think?"

Ruowu looked at him with a half-hearted smile.

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