Feng Qining winked mischievously at him, but on the surface she pretended to salute. www>

"Don't be too polite"

Zong Zhengxuan helped her up, Feng Qining smiled lightly, her eyes looked behind, Feng Jue and Feng Han, Feng Ye was behind.

Feng Qining really wanted to run up to find him immediately, but she was still not that impulsive, with so many people watching here, of course she had to pay attention to the influence.

After entering the palace, Murong Li immediately asked the ministers to disperse. [


As soon as the minister left, Feng Qining knelt in front of Feng Jue, she was unfilial, she was not good.

"Get up, get up quickly"

Feng Jue helped him up, and in just a few years, he had aged a lot, his hair was all white, and his face was full of wrinkles. Looking at Feng Jue like this, Feng Qining's eyes were moist.

"Father, hit me"

Feng Jue stroked her hair, his big hands were a little trembling: "Oh, I thought about it too, but I couldn't bear it, why didn't you send a letter back in the past two years? We all thought you were dead, and your mother heard the bad news , going away soon”

She thought about it too, but she couldn't help it. If there was a way, why wouldn't she bring the letter back?


Feng Han looked at his younger sister, and he sighed at God's will, she has changed her appearance twice, who would be like her, how many times will she change her appearance in this life?

"Big Brother"

The appearance of Feng Han and Feng Ye has not changed, but they seem to be more mature.

"Okay, don't be sad, Ning'er is back, it's a good thing"

Feng Yu smoothed things over.

"Yes, yes, you should be happy to be back."

Feng Jue patted her hand. From now on, I hope she will be fine and don't hear such bad news again. If he hears it again, he will probably be the one to go.

"Ning'er, you won't forget me, will you?"

Zong Zhengxuan appeared behind Feng Qining. Hearing the voice, Feng Qining turned around and saw Zong Zhengxuan. Her eyes filled with half of the moon: "Of course not, Brother Emperor, I am very happy to see you too."

A large group of people arrived, and the palace became even more lively. This group is my own family, of course they live in the palace, and the guards and the like live in the palace.

"By the way, didn't you say that Feng Bai also came? Why didn't you see him?" [

Zong Zhengxuan felt strange, but he had heard that he hadn't returned yet, so why didn't he see his figure now?

In the past few years, the four of them have lived in peace, and the relationship is still good. They are also satisfied with the current situation, and the people are even more satisfied. They have never thought about fighting. This is also very good. Why must there be a war?

"Oh, Xiaobai, I went to pick up girls, I was wrong, I went to chase his future queen"

future queen?Everyone put on a gossip expression.

"Let me go, you let me go"

The voice of bewitching and killing came from the side, Feng Qining gave a thud, she stood up, and ran out, followed by a large group of people.

Nothing happened, but Mei Sha was caught by Feng Bai.


Feng Qining winked at the people behind her, Murongli naturally knew what she wanted to do, and the three brothers of the Feng family also knew, their sister likes to go to the theater, they naturally knew, Zong Zhengxuan didn't know, but Feng Qining ordered , he just does it.

"Phoenix, Phoenix"

Meisha yelled, and the palace maid appeared at the right time: "Miss Mei, the empress has gone to meet the guests"

Isn't it so unlucky?Mei Sha howled in her heart, but on the surface she showed a calm look.

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