"How is it? No one will help you now, right?"

Feng Bai looked at Meisha gloatingly, his eyes were full of gloating, seeing him like this, Meisha narrowed his eyes: "Man, you'd better pray that you won't fall into my hands in the future, or I won't let you go!" over you"

"I'm so scared, but don't forget, I sold you for 10 taels of gold, that is to say, you are mine, even if you don't want to admit it, you can't deny it."

Feng Bai approached Mei Sha, his lips brushed her face intentionally or unintentionally, Murong Li covered Feng Qi Ning's eyes again, Feng Qi Ning was depressed. www>

Mei Sha looked at Feng Bai with fiery eyes: "Smelly man, I'm going to castrate you"

It's so cruel, and the words of killing each other aroused different feelings among the people watching the show.

"Eunuch me, then you will be a widow"

She was a widow, she immediately remarried, Feng Qining patted her forehead, this stupid woman, why is she so stupid at this time?She is not married yet, so at this moment, is she planning to marry him?

"Remarry? Then you marry me first."

Unlucky to think, Mei Sha squinted at him: "If you can do what Murong Li did, then I can promise you"

Just as Feng Bai was about to agree, he didn't know what he thought of, his eyes dimmed.

No way, he can't do it, all the concubines she married were ministers, if they were abolished, wouldn't those ministers fall out?Although he dotes on the other one after a while, well, he raises the daughters of those ministers all in vain and fat.

That position was stable, and he would pamper them from time to time, and they also loved to fight, but he turned a blind eye to them, as long as it wasn't too much, he generally ignored them.

Looking at the deadlocked atmosphere, the faces of the people hiding behind watching the play peeped at each other, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

Are they going out?But if they go out at this time, Meisha will definitely kill them, right?

"How? Can't you do it? If you can't do it, don't think I can marry you"

Looking at Mei Sha's arrogant look, Feng Bai suddenly smiled strangely.

"You, why are you smiling like that?"

Seeing his smile, Meisha suddenly felt a little nervous, what is he going to do?

"It's nothing, you said, I bought you, you're lazy, you don't do anything, I still have to support you for nothing, it seems like I'm losing money."

With such a lot of foreshadowing, Meisha is terrified, what exactly is he trying to say?Could it be to ask her to sell herself?

"How about this, you serve me well, if you make me happy, then I will let you go"

Feng Bai said in Meisha's ear, his voice was full of ambiguity, and he knew what he wanted to express as soon as he heard his words.

"go to hell"[

Meisha replied with a very backbone, she wanted her to serve him, so she castrated him directly.

"You have to think if you don't want to"

Feng Bai doesn't care about that much anymore, after so long, he still can't deal with a woman, and he will lose his face if he says it.

"Fenghuang, quickly put Miss Mei down"

Jun Jianxie ran over from the side.

Now it's fun, Feng Qining and Murong Li glanced at each other, this love rival and the original partner are here, let's see how they fight now.

"Junjun, save me quickly, he is going to destroy my innocence"

Feng Qining shook the goosebumps on her body, do you want to be so scary?

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