With a "plop", Zong Zhengxuan fell into the stream.

The cold lake water flowed over his body, and the fire on Zong Zhengxuan's body was extinguished immediately, but it was cold at this time, although it was summer now, but it was night, this is still a landscape, can it not be cold?

He felt cold, very cold.

"Look, it's going to go out in no time."

Feng Qining was proud, they were only focused on putting out the fire, they completely forgot that there was a river so close to the resource, it would be a waste not to use it. [

"Hurry up and pull me up, don't bother talking"

Zong Zhengxuan was helpless, he was dying of cold down there, but they were fine, they were still chatting there, why didn't they think about him?

"Uh, I'm sorry, Brother Emperor, I thought you still wanted to soak for a while, so I was reluctant to come up."

Zong Zhengxuan had an urge to pull her down to soak in the bubbles too. Who would want to soak in the water this late at night?Isn't that sick?

"Okay, don't be angry, I'm planning to pull you up here."

Murong Li walked up to Feng Qi Ning, and pulled Zong Zhengxuan up from the river: "Actually, it can't be our fault, such a small river, how could we know that you can't climb up?"

Zong Zhengxuan didn't have the energy to get angry with them at all now, he was almost freezing to death, they didn't go down, so they didn't know his suffering.

"Xuan, you seem to be cold, why don't you take off your clothes?"

Seeing that his lips were turning purple from the cold, Feng Han was a little worried, since he just came here, he fell ill, how bad it is.

"Don't be afraid, I'll let the kitten take you down."

kitten?Feng Han looked at Feng Qining suspiciously, not because he didn't want to believe her, but how could a cat send Zong Zhengxuan down?

When the tiger and leopard appeared in front of Feng Han, Feng Han was taken aback.

What did the master call it to do?It's a big night, it's fine if she doesn't sleep, why don't you let her sleep?Hubao kept rubbing her head against Feng Qining, why didn't she think about it?

"Okay, don't be obedient, hurry up and send the emperor brother down to me"

Hubao looked at her sadly, she was a leopard but not a horse, it was sad, but it still squatted down, just like that, Hubao sent Zong Zhengxuan down.

After such a thing happened, everyone didn't want to play anymore. Looking at the sky, it was already very late, so everyone went back to rest.

The next day, Zong Zhengxuan was inevitably ridiculed by everyone, chasing Fengsha like a fawn, saying that she had forgotten her again.

"Hey, you haven't told me what happened last night, you're good, now you're blaming me"

She is also embarrassed, she hasn't told her about her yet. [

Meisha pulled Feng Qining aside, she looked around, sure no one knew, she said in Feng Qining's ear: "I talked to him, if he can abolish his Sangong Sixth Court for me , then I'll think about it."

Alright, Feng Qining looked at her, and she was beginning to understand, but was she stimulated by something?At the beginning, she persuaded her for so long, but she still didn't get it. Why did she suddenly get it this time?

"Couldn't you be stimulated by something?"

Feng Qining looked at her suspiciously, if she didn't receive any stimulation, then it's not like her to get enlightened so quickly.

"You are stimulated, I am sober"

She just suddenly felt that what she said was right. In this life, it is not easy to meet someone she likes and likes herself. Now that she has met, why not cherish it?

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