"I don't believe it, something must have stimulated you, tell me honestly"

Doesn't she know her yet?If it wasn't stimulated by someone, how could she have enlightened so quickly?

"Okay, let me tell you, his beloved concubine is here to find him"

That woman pestered Feng Bai every day, and even occupied him, as if he belonged to her alone. She especially disliked her, so she just wanted to snatch Feng Bai over.

There is a different light in Meisha's eyes. So far, there is no man she can't conquer, only the man she doesn't want to conquer. [

It's just that what she thinks of is not a temporary favor but a long-term one. If it is destined not to last long, then she would rather not have it.

"And you got jealous?"

Feng Qi looked at her clearly, she must be jealous, otherwise how could she figure it out all at once?

"Come on, why would I be jealous? I just suddenly felt that what you said was right. It's so hard to meet someone, so you have to take good care of it. If you miss it, you might not be there."

She has never liked people. Before coming here, she never thought that she would like people, let alone that she would come here.

"I know how you feel, but how will you know the result if you don't try it? Besides, I believe in your ability. You must have a way to make him fall under your pomegranate skirt."

Feng Qining is very confident in Mei Sha, she can tell that Feng Bai still likes her, if he doesn't like her, then why did he put so much thought into buying her?She had never seen such a thing before.

The person who is willing to spend so much money to buy her must have a heart.

"I do not know"

In the face of love, Meisha has become a little bit shy. My eldest brother said that love is a glass of poisoned wine. Once you drink it, you will be forever lost. Will she?She is afraid.

"Don't worry, when did you become so timid? Do you think I'm fine after drinking it?"

Mei Shaxiao, she is lucky, but not everyone is as lucky as her, just as not every love is perfect.

"You have to believe in yourself, when did you become so unconfident?"

Feng Qining looked at Mei Sha, does love really hurt people so much?The so confident Mei Sha has also become like this.

"It's not that I'm not confident. You and I both know that some things will have results without hard work. I don't want to become a jealous woman, and I don't want to do anything for love in the end, you know?"

She is charming, beautiful, confident and charming, she doesn't want to become not like herself for a man.

"You won't. If you work hard, and he doesn't belong to you in the end, you will give up, right?"

She understands her, just as she understands her, maybe she will be hurt by love, maybe she may kill him in a fit of anger, but as long as they do it, they will not regret it, they dare to love and dare to hate.

"Yeah, why bother with something that doesn't belong to me, but if I haven't tried it, how will I know that he doesn't belong to me? At least I can't understand that woman"

Thinking of that eighth woman, she wished she could kill her, let alone reject her, and still speak ill of her behind her back, if she didn't do anything, she would think she was easy to bully.

"That's right, teach her a good lesson, but isn't the concubine forbidden to leave the palace? Why can she come out?"

Meisha rolled her eyes, she can come out, why can't others?She thought she was the only one special?

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