In other words, as long as she moves lightly, all her clothes will be taken off. Is she going to run naked?Meisha shuddered, no, how could she do such an embarrassing thing, if she really did that, she probably would have no face to appear in this palace.

After hanging Meisha on the tree, Zhu Chiniao flew back to Feng Qining's side, and it stood on her shoulder, the position that always belonged to it.

"Little □□, you are not very kind to the guests like this"

That's what she said, but there was no sense of guilt in her words, she was clearly gloating.

"Feng, put me down quickly" [

If eyes could kill, Feng Sha would have died long ago.

"It's fine to let you down, but you have to promise that you won't do anything to me"

What else could she do to her?It's fine if she doesn't do anything to her.

"If you don't promise, I'm sorry"

Let her enjoy it slowly on the top, if she wants to let her down, she must first guarantee her own life.

"Okay, I promise, you put me down quickly, I won't do anything to you"

Mei Sha howled in her heart, she is so unlucky, she has provoked someone, unexpectedly met this woman, so many people around her helped her, it was fine, she actually had two pets.

Does God think she hasn't bullied her enough?

Feng Qining gave Zhu Chiniao a look, and Zhu Chiniao immediately put Meisha down.

"Hey, it was agreed just now, you can't do it"

Following Feng Qining's words, Zhu Chiniao flapped its wings, and threw down the whip in love and resentment.

"Feng Sha, let me tell you, don't fall into my hands, or I won't let you go"

"Don't do this, we are good friends, how can you treat me like that?"

Feng Qining looked at her flatteringly, and she didn't want to care about her. This woman, the whole old fox, would be fooled if she believed her.

"Hey, you haven't told me why Xiaobai's favorite concubine can leave the palace?"

Feng Qining began to change the subject, and it turned out that she changed the subject correctly, because Mei Sha was angry about this matter.

"Don't talk about it, who is the prime minister's daughter? Feng Bai loves her the most during this time. She saw that Feng Bai hadn't returned for so long, so she came out without authorization."

Of course, the most hateful thing is not this but Feng Bai's not blaming, that dead man, when he sees a woman, he forgets what he said before.

She must let him bow down under her pomegranate skirt, and then teach him a good lesson. [

"Mei, do you want people to bully you like this?"

Of course not, so she plans to attack herself tonight.

"How do you plan to attack?"

Feng Qining became interested, there is something to watch, it's no wonder she wasn't interested.

"don't tell you"

Tsundere said such a sentence, and then Meisha left, looking at her back, Feng Qining's eyes rolled around, did she not look at her if she didn't let her look at it?When did she, Feng Qining, become so obedient?

Today, Meisha left the palace early, and she went to the street to buy some candles and clothes.

Feng Qining thought of the leather whip this afternoon, and her heart skipped a beat, wouldn't she?The taste is so heavy?

"What did she buy those things for?"

Ruo Wu couldn't figure it out, they had luminous pearls, and they used luminous pearls for lighting, they didn't use candles at all.

"But it's not right. Can Xiaobai bear her strong taste?"

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