Feng Qining was talking to herself, listening to her words, Ruo Wu and Ruo Xue didn't understand what was going on at all, the young master and that woman were both equally strange, why would they tempt people to want those things?

Following Mei Sha into the palace, Feng Qi Ning hid on the Fengbai roof. Tonight, Zong Zhengxuan held Murong Li back. If Murong Li didn't come, Yi Chu couldn't come either. That is to say, the big gang Men discuss national affairs together.

How could Feng Qining miss such a good opportunity?No matter what, you have to look at the tricks used by Meisha.

Meisha put on the underwear brought from modern times, the plump breasts made Ruoxue and Ruowu blush.

"Everyone is a woman, why are you blushing"[

Feng Qining glanced at them hopelessly, wondering if they could be a little bit more promising, she blushed at this point, and there will be more explosive ones behind, so are they going to have a nosebleed?

Ruoxue and Ruowu didn't speak for a while, it was a small thing for her, but it was a big thing for her, where did they ever see such an explosive scene?

After putting on her underwear, Mei Sha was only covered with a thin veil, which was so thin that it couldn't cover her at all. The snow-like skin was faintly visible, full of temptation. Looking at such Mei Sha, Ruoxue and Ruo Wu and the two swallowed their saliva.

"What are you two doing? Are you interested in women?"

Seeing them like that, Feng Qining really hates iron but not steel. They are all in that line of work, but now they come here to envy others, can they be promising?

"But young master, don't you think that scene is too exciting?"

Ruowu looked at Meisha lying on the bed, and after a while said, this woman is really a stunner, especially at this time, every move is full of temptation.

"It's crazy, there will be even more explosive ones soon, just wait."

At this moment, Feng Bai opened the door and came in, Feng Qining, Ruoxue, and Ruo Wu hurriedly held their breath.

The room was pitch black, and just as Feng Bai was about to take out the Ye Mingzhu, the candlelight on the table suddenly lit up, and then a charming dancing woman appeared in front of him.

Looking up from her waist, when he saw that familiar face, Feng Bai was surprised, Meisha didn't give him time to be surprised, she came to his side, and the scent of her made him lose his mind.

Soon, both of them fell on the bed, and the corners of Feng Qining's lips curled up, she knew that Feng Bai couldn't refuse to be seductive.

"Master, the following is not suitable for us to read, let's go quickly"

Ruo Wu tugged on Feng Qining's sleeve, the picture below is really exciting, if you look at it again, your heart will beat faster.

"What's the rush, I've seen it all here, what if I don't want to see the result? Go ahead"

Feng Qining continued to squint and look through the slit, only to see that when Feng Bai took off Meisha's light veil, Meisha finally stopped his movement.

"Your Majesty, don't worry."

I knew it, Feng Qining rolled her eyes, she knew her next move would be like this.

"Baby, let's talk about it tomorrow" [

Feng Baihou was in a hurry, when he was about to do something, Mei Sha's feet wrapped around him, and she teased him time after time.

Feng Bai really felt like he was on fire, but Meisha's hand blocked him again.

"Your Majesty, I am just your slave and have no right to serve you at all"

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