Meisha doesn't speak, anyway, no matter what she says, Feng Qining is on Murongli's side, this married daughter, splashing water, alas, she can't help it.

Young Master Yumian staggered forward, the fire in his body became less and more prosperous, but he was top-heavy, obviously he was under the influence of someone.

His intestines are green with regret, why should he sit here if he has nothing to do?It's gloomy here, there's nothing to see at all, what is he looking at, sitting here for so long?

Even if he doesn't want to move, he just wants to sit, but he has to find a better place to sit, maybe find a room with no one sitting there, why should he be in this barren mountain? Well, I got it.

"Master, why do you think he doesn't want to take revenge?"

Judging by his appearance, he should know that someone drugged him, so why didn't he say some harsh words?

"You think he doesn't want to, but it's hard for him to walk now. If he has the strength to speak harshly, he might as well keep walking."

That's right, Yan Chen understands, looking at him like this, the road is not stable, and he probably can't speak.

"Looking at him like that, I don't know how long it will take to walk, maybe I won't be able to walk out all night."

Mei Sha was a little worried, seeing that he couldn't walk steadily, the forest was so big, it was difficult to get out.

"Then shall we help him?"

Yan Yun was gearing up.

Feng Qining rolled her eyes, why help? He doesn't look like he is helping, how can he stand up to his troubles?At this time, he could easily knock him down with a single punch.

"Look, it won't be too late for us to take action if it really doesn't work then."

Young Master Yumian walked forward staggeringly, at this moment, a person ran out from the forest.

The eyes of Feng Qining's group were wide open, how could there be people running out of the forest at this time?That was most likely a ghost.

"Master, son."

When they heard this voice, they knew that it was the young man. As expected, he couldn't run away, turned around and came back here again.

"Young master, you haven't left yet. It's really great. Why don't you take me away? I really can't get out of this place."

Maybe it was because he had just found someone, the young man didn't notice the strangeness of Mr. Yumian, he looked at him expectantly, he believed that he could take him away from here.

Young Master Yumian was burnt with lust, he was not taboo between men and women, but now a man came with great difficulty, even though it was a man, but he didn't mind it anymore.

I saw him push the young man down, unbuttoning his clothes two or three times, watching this scene, Jun Jianxie opened his mouth wide, at this moment, if he didn't know what Feng Qining and the others were going to do, then he Just stupid.

"Ning, Ning'er, why are you doing this?"

In fact, he wanted to say that these were not suitable for her to read, so she should turn around. [

"Why? I have never done things for a reason. Besides, he offended me. Of course I will punish him. "

Feng Qining looked at the two people who were honestly meeting each other over there, Yan Chen and Yan Yun's foreheads were dripping with cold sweat.

Once again, they were thankful that they did not become enemies with Feng Qining, otherwise they might lose their children and grandchildren.

After a while, Mr. Yumian actually stopped, Jun Jianxie, Yan Chen, Yan Yun and the others didn't know what happened.

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