
Young Master Yumian suddenly yelled, Feng Qining and Meisha exchanged glances, they both disappeared, Jun Jianxie and the others quickly disappeared as well.


Feng Qining and Meisha clapped their hands together, and they eliminated another evil, they were so happy.

"Master, can you tell us now, what happened?" [

Yan Chen asked the questions that others wanted to ask.

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it, it's just..."

Feng Qining told the truth, and Jun Jianxie and the three of them broke out in cold sweat. These two women are simply devils.

"How is it? Is our idea a good idea? I guarantee that he will never harm a girl again."

The three of Yan Chen nodded quickly: "Absolutely, absolutely."

"Okay, don't force it, don't think I don't know what you are thinking, if you did such a wicked thing, I will kill you directly, and I will definitely not treat you like that"

Yan Chen and Yan Yun breathed a sigh of relief, they would rather she give them a good time than suffer that kind of torture, it is a very painful thing to live in the world without being human or demon.

After solving a scourge, several people walked happily into the palace.

"Master, do you want me to let someone stare at him and see what's going on behind him?"

Feng Qining glanced at him, yes, after so many nonsense, this sentence is the most pleasing.

"Well, I'll leave this matter to you. You have people keep an eye on him. If he can still cause harm to the world, then you can deal with him."

When several people were talking, a person suddenly stopped in front of them.


Feng Qining looked at the person standing in front, which person was so bold that he dared to block her way, did he want to die?

"Girl, isn't it good for you to do this?"

He saw everything in his eyes, from when they were poisoned to when that person was poisoned, he saw everything in his eyes.

"This is not good, so what do you think? He deserves to die"

That is, Jun Jianxie also stood up: "It's only natural to eliminate harm for the people. Besides, we didn't take his life. This is kind to him, so what else?"

He killed his junior sister, he originally wanted to kill him, but now it is kind to him to save his life, what else would he want? [

"Even so, you can't use such despicable means."

Despicable, are they despicable?

"We are not noble in the first place. It is a common thing to kill people. What can you do with us?"

Feng Qining looked at him arrogantly. No one had ever been able to teach her a lesson. What did he think he could do?

"Girl, you can't be too arrogant"

Feng Qining sneered: "I'm sorry, many people have told me this sentence, but I'm just like this, no matter how I change it, I can't change it, what do you think should I do?"

It's not that it can't be changed, it's because she doesn't want to change it!The man looked at Feng Qining, she should be the leader of this gang, and no one around her had any objections to what she said.

"Master, you don't need to talk so much with him, just solve him directly."

Yan Chen looked at him impatiently, this person is really nosy, if he wants to meddle, he has to see if he has the ability.

"Have you dealt with him? We didn't kill anyone. Everyone said we were despicable."

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