"Okay, I don't want to talk to you anymore, you'd better go back and find your beauty, I'm leaving"

After a few jumps, Mei Sha disappeared in front of her. Looking at her back, Feng Qining shook her head. She hoped that the two enemies will go well. Mei Sha has been frightened for so long, and it's time for someone to take care of her. .

"Okay, let's go"

When they returned to the palace, a large group of people were all waiting for Feng Qining, all their eyes were on her, feeling everyone's eyes, Feng Qining felt strange.

"Uh, you guys haven't slept yet?" [

sleep?She also knew that it was time to fall asleep now.

"Feng, it's so late, where have you been?"

He didn't tell anyone where he was going, whether she knew it or not, they were all worried about her, and he almost sent the imperial guards out to look for her.

"Limei, are you still ashamed to say that I came back before and told you that I have business to do, but you are lucky, you are fascinated by playing chess and don't care about me, why? Now you are turning around and blaming me again?"

Feng Qining put her hands on her hips and looked at him angrily.

Uh, has she ever been back?Murong Li looked at the people beside her, everyone shook their heads, they don't know, they don't know.

"I remember it as if I came back"

At the beginning Feng Yu spoke very loudly, but when she spoke later, she was obviously out of breath.

"Second brother, are you sure or seems like? I know you guys like to play chess, so when you play chess, you forget everything, right?"

Feng Qining's words made these men bow their heads. Indeed, they all forgot about her just now. It can't be her fault, it can only be their fault.

"But you can't go out so late, what if something happens to you?"

This scolding is not enough, Murong Li can only persuade her with a nice voice.

"I'm out to do business, not out to play. Besides, who do you think can do anything to me now?"

He said this every time, but something happened to her, and he couldn't bear the pain of her leaving again.

"Okay, I'll try not to go out in the future, but I only go out if I have something to do, who will go out if there's nothing to do?"

At this time, if nothing happened, she would have gone to beauty sleep long ago, so why would she go out? It's not like she's full.

This time, Murong Li caught the words in Feng Qining's words: "Work, what are you going out to do?"

Could it be that she went out to do bad things again? Don't blame him for being so suspicious of her. She has been back for so long, when did she do good things?

"Limei, are you looking for death? Tell me clearly, when did I do something bad?" [

Although she doesn't care about the affairs of his court, well, she hasn't done anything bad, right? Which of the people she manages is a good person?They are all bad people, and those scumbags should not have been left in this world.

"No, no, everything you do is good, all good"

That wife and slave of Murong Li made the people next to her shake their heads helplessly. This person is hopeless.

"Ning'er, shouldn't you tell me, what exactly did you do?"

Zong Zhengxuan helped Murong Li out of the siege, this person was eaten to death by Feng Qining.

"Oh, I didn't actually do anything, I just taught someone a lesson"

Feng Qining told the story, of course, she didn't tell the whole story that she saw clearly, otherwise Murong Li might kill her.

"You said you poisoned him?"

yes?What is it?What a good thing it is to be poisoned, it saves trouble completely.

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