Looking at Feng Qining's behavior, Murong Li felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong for a while, it was something very wrong anyway.

"Ning'er, what kind of poison did you give him?"

When Yichu asked such a sentence, Murongli finally knew what was wrong, it turned out to be here.

How could Feng Qining be poisonous?He remembered that he didn't poison her.

"Feng, where did the poison on your body come from?"

Listening to what they said, Feng Qi looked at them with puffiness: "Are you guys interrogating?"

No, of course not, they are not curious, so ask her.

"Forget it, let me tell you, I got the poison from Li Meiren's pharmacy. As for what kind of poison it is, it's the kind of poison that makes people feel uncomfortable after eating it."

Her words made the men present gasp, and then their faces turned black.

"Feng, you..."

Murong Li didn't know what to say about her anymore, she said it so easily, why didn't she pay attention to the impact?

"What am I, did I do something wrong? Let me tell you, I don't think I'm wrong, and it's that man's fault too"

Everyone nodded quickly, yes, she must be right, even if she was wrong, it was someone else's fault.

"Okay, you all know what you need to know, I'm going back to sleep, you can do what you want, even if it's all night, I don't care about you"

Looking at Feng Qining's back, everyone felt chills in their hearts.

"Murong, it's time for you to discipline her. If this continues, she will really be lawless."

Yichu sighed, how could Feng Qining, who was originally innocent and kind, become the witch she is today?

"Uh, I like her like this, I love to discipline you to discipline"

He disciplined Feng Qining?Is he kidding?The consequence of this discipline is that he sleeps in the study. He is not stupid if he chooses to sleep in the study whether his wife will hug him or not.

"Oh, forget it, anyway, what she did is not a bad thing, and those tricks of hers will not be used on us, what are you afraid of?"

Zong Zhengxuan was on Feng Qining's side. Although her actions made people feel ashamed, she had to admit that it was very useful, just like the flower picker. After he stopped lifting, let's see how he would still harm the girl.

"Yeah, Ning'er is a bit playful, but she doesn't discriminate between good and evil. Those people deserve what they deserve. Chu, I'm not talking about you, you need to change your thinking."

Feng Yu is naturally on her sister's side, they are only one sister, they don't help her gang.

"Oh, forget it, I can't win you guys alone, you talk, I'm tired too, I'll go back first" [

Feng Ye pointed at his back: "Why do you think he is so pedantic? Ning'er is a good person no matter how she changes, as long as her essence remains unchanged, why is he being so harsh on her?"

Feng Han nodded, that's right, he also agrees, besides, he thinks the younger sister is cuter now than before, and the former is no different from the ordinary ladies, it seems that there is a little bit of anger missing, and now this one is more energetic and vital ah.

"Okay, everyone should leave"

Murong Li left first, and soon everyone dispersed.

The next day, Mei Sha was indeed hunted down by Feng Bai.

"Damn woman, you actually drove away the beloved concubine of the widow"

Finally, a concubine came to him, but she was lucky enough to drive him away.

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