"What am I afraid of? Just go"

What has he not experienced?How can you be afraid?

Feng Bai left, Feng Qining looked at the flowers behind her.

"Come out, haven't you seen enough drama?"

Don't think she doesn't know, they have already come, but they just hid there and couldn't come out. [

"Feng, you are really alert"

Not long after they arrived, she actually knew about it. She was really vigilant.

"Ning'er, that's his business, you don't need to help him like this, do you?"

Yichu frowned, now that the Four Kingdoms are in peace, both the people and the court like this kind of day, if there is a coup in Fengguo and they intervene, it may break the balance of the Four Kingdoms, and other forces may also Step in.

"Brother Yi, when did you become so timid? The other two countries, one is the emperor's brother and the other is my son. How could they get involved?"

Zongzhengxuan shook his head: "Chu doesn't mean that we will intervene, we are not willing, but some dark forces or ambitious people will take advantage of their random thoughts to benefit from it, and then the whole situation in Fengguo will change. very confusing"

When it really comes to that time, they don't want to intervene and there is nothing they can do, because instead of letting Fengguo fall into the hands of others, it is better for them to carve it up.

"Yeah, this matter needs careful consideration, don't act rashly"

Murong Li also persuaded Feng Qining, Feng Qining looked at their cautious expressions, and a smile appeared in her eyes: "Don't be nervous, in fact, I won't intervene, I just provide him with people, other things need to be paid." on his own"

What they thought of, she naturally thought of, let's not talk about anything else, just because of her identity, she can't help her to mess around, she doesn't want to cause trouble for her beauty.

"Well, that's okay, by the way, Feng, look who's coming"

Meirenli turned away, seeing the person behind him, Feng Qining's smile froze.

How, how did they appear here?

"Mother, don't you know me?"

Seeing Feng Qining's surprised expression, Lan Se choked up and opened his mouth. When he first received the letter, he thought it was fooling him, so he sent someone to confirm. When he really heard the news that she was back, he never Slumped on the chair and sat down.


Feng Qining hugged him happily, and after a while, she let him go, she was dressed in the same blue brocade robe as before, her baby face didn't change at all, her eyes were as clear as before, the only difference was that he Blue eyes.

Now everyone knows that the eyes of the monarch of Miluo are blue, and he was born with blue eyes.

"Mother, I knew you were not dead, you will definitely come back." [

This kid, speaking like this, Feng Qining's eyes curled up.

"Son, you still haven't changed, you still look so old."

Feng Qining's words made everyone laugh, and the originally heavy atmosphere suddenly became lighter.

"Mother, how can anyone say that about their son?"

Having said that, Lan Se's eyes were shining with light. After she left, no one said he was a second child anymore. He has matured after sitting on the throne in the past few years, but the people around him who can talk are getting more and more less and less.

In the dead of night, he always misses the days when he was with her. Those days were hard, but they were also the happiest.

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