At that time they needed to flee, their lives were in danger, and there were always people chasing them down, or they would be unlucky on the streets, but with her, as long as Feng Qining was there, no matter how difficult the environment was, it would be full of joy.

Thinking about the escape, it was really a lot of fun. Many people chased and killed them, but which one was successful?

The past few years have been too easy, and he is not used to it. He always thinks that if she is still there, his life will not be so boring.

She left and took his joy with her.

"elder brother"[

Looking at Zhang Kai, Feng Qining smiled happily, that sincere smile made the surrounding flowers pale.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back"

Zhang Kai kept repeating this sentence. After she left, he always thought, if he prevented her from going to Jin Yun, would it be a different scene, would she be fine?

Although she couldn't come out, she was still alive. As long as she was alive, it was good. Living was more important than anything else.

"By the way, you guys came just in time, we have a good show to watch"

Feng Qining likes to be lively, Lan Se knows it, seeing her strange appearance, Lan Se's eyes are also shining with light.

"By the way, mother, why did you change your appearance and look younger?"

Can you not be young?She has only been there for less than a month, but here for a few years, and the gap widens instantly. She was only in her early twenties, and with her stunning appearance, she looks like a seventeen-year-old. Like a young girl.

Meisha always said that Fengsha has a face that deceives children, is she wrong?

"I'll tell you about this later, I'm not free now"

Murong Li grabbed her: "No time, so what are you going to do now?"

What are you going to do?Of course I went to watch the excitement.

"Don't you want to see how Xiao Bai chases and kills?"

Feng Qining had a sinister smile on her face. According to her understanding of Mei Sha, that woman would never let him pass the test so easily, and would definitely abuse him well. Feng Bai was abused, isn't this something that people look forward to ?

"But he went out, what do we think?"

Murong Li was in a dilemma, Feng Qining looked at him like an idiot: "Li beauty, when did you become so stupid?"

Well, let him be stupid if he is stupid, Murong Li didn't refute Feng Qining's words.

"Let me ask you, are you busy now?"

Everyone shook their heads. Now the world is peaceful and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Even if something happens, it is a small matter. Otherwise, how could they stay here for so long? [

"Isn't that all right? If we're fine, why can't we go out? Don't you feel bored in this palace all day long?"

It's fine if she doesn't say that, but when she said that, they immediately thought.

"I'm right, okay, it's time to pack up and go, let's watch the excitement"

Everyone nodded naturally.

"I remembered, I haven't been outside for a long time, and I just had a chance today"

Zong Zhengxuan's words won everyone's approval, and just like that, Feng Qining's group set off after Feng Bai.

Feng Bai was still thinking about where Meisha might go, he didn't know at all, there was a long string of tails behind him.

"Mother, I'm very glad that I came early, if I was later, I might not have seen you"

Fortunately for Lancer, if it was later, he and she might have missed it.

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