"She is not a good person in the first place. You'd better not mess with her in the future. If you do, I won't be able to save you."

So powerful, Lancer shrugged, he wouldn't provoke her if he had nothing to do, of course, she shouldn't provoke him, otherwise don't blame him for being rude.

Mei Sha left, Feng Qining looked around, but did not see Feng Bai.

"Where's Xiaobai?"

He can't be so weak, can he? [

"Oh, I just got word that he's sleeping in the inn and plans to move at night."

Action at night?What is he going to do?Just disassemble Meisha and eat it?Feng Qining frowned into a Sichuan character, that Xiaobai, so smart in other things, how could he be so stupid when facing love?

They are killers, even when they sleep, they keep one eye open. At night, their vigilance is particularly high, and they can feel every little noise around them. If he appears again at night, isn't that a joke?

"We don't care so much, anyway, we just watch the fun"

They can toss about as much as they like, anyway, they are here to watch the show.

"Well, not bad, well, let's watch this show full of ethnic customs."

Speaking of this, Lan Se remembered what Feng Qining said just now, and he still expressed doubts about what happened just now.

"Mother, who is the woman you mentioned dancing on the bronze drum just now? Can people really dance on it?"

She actually expressed doubts about her, Feng Qining told them about Zhao Feiyan, and after hearing this, the group of people all focused their eyes on her.

"What's the matter? Don't you believe it? Of course, it's just a legend. I don't know if it's true or not."

She didn't know if it was true or not, but she dared to say it.

Of course Feng Qining could only say that, otherwise when they asked, what would she say?

"Of course it's fake. We don't have that history here at all. It seems that those people made it up."

Yichu was the first one who didn't believe it. He was familiar with the history of the four countries, and he had never heard of such a thing. If it really existed, he would know.

"Yes, but mother, don't you know how to dance? Do you want to try?"

Everyone looked at her expectantly, it had been a long time since she danced.

Feng Qining hesitated, this body is her own, not the previous one, the softness does not belong to Feng Qining, but let's move, she doesn't know if she still remembers it.

"Mother, I haven't seen you dance for a long time, you won't refuse, will you?"

Lan Se blinked and looked at her, Feng Qining said helplessly: "Okay, I'll try" [

Feng Qining flew up, and while the ribbon was fluttering, she slowly landed on the bronze drum. The white gauze covered her stunning face, and the noisy crowd fell silent.

Murong Li and Yi Chu looked at each other, Qi Qi took out the flute in his arms, the melodious sound of the flute mixed with the sound of the flute came out, Feng Qining raised her feet, spun and jumped, she was dancing like an elf passion.

When the song was over, the surrounding applause was like thunder.

"Girl, please stay"

Someone yelled, Feng Qining turned her head, a white shadow moved, she disappeared from everyone's sight, Murong Li and the others also looked at each other, and quickly disappeared.

"Huh, fortunately Mei is not there, otherwise I will definitely be found out"

Feng Qining breathed a sigh of relief.

"How does mother know she's not here? Maybe she just saw it"

Yichu: "What kind of crow's mouth is that, it seems like you want to be discovered by her"

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