He didn't mean that, he was obviously worried, after all, that woman didn't seem to be easy to deal with.

Feng Yu: "I think what Lan Se said is right, maybe she discovered us."

I was really too careless just now, and I forgot the business when I was happy for a while.

"Oh, don't worry, I just saw Mei enter the inn, how could she see it?"

Feng Qining's words made everyone feel relieved. Of course, their worries were naturally because they were worried that there would be no drama to watch. Just think about it, life is so boring now, if there is no drama to watch, then their life would be How boring. [

Of course Meisha didn't know that there were so many people behind her, if she knew, she wondered if she would have killed Feng Qining.

Of course Feng Qining knows that if she finds out, she will definitely take revenge on her severely, so the best way is, of course, not to let her know.

Just kidding, how can I let her know?Isn't that a great tragedy?

"Ning'er, how did you know?"

They didn't see it, why did she see it?

"That's because you are not familiar with her, I am familiar with her, it is easy to see, well, don't be wordy, let's go and see her"

to see her?Everyone was curious about Feng Qining's words, but they didn't say anything. She said go and take a look.

Feng Qining asked where the spy Meisha was staying. She landed on the roof of Meisha. Before she came up, she made everyone hold their breath. This woman is like her, she is very clear about every movement and stillness, but she must not Let her find out.

Feng Qining found that Mei Sha was sleeping in bed.

She was surprised, didn't this woman come out to play?Didn't you come out to find happiness?Why is she hiding in the house and sleeping?Can she sleep happily there?

"Is she hurt by love? Saying that looking for happiness is actually an escape?"

Murong Li touched her chin, like this most of the time, saying let it go, but how can I let it go?Coming out is just to escape.

"I think so, look at her back so sad"

Feng Yu also agrees, in fact, Meisha hates places with many people, there are so many people below, that's why she came back early, as they said, she was hurt by love.

She really can't let go of it, but she said that she will not be entangled anymore after letting go of that, and now she is going to find a man who is many times better than Feng Bai.

"Okay, don't make wild guesses. Mei is not as indecisive as you said. She actually hates crowded places. She probably has nowhere to go and is bored."

Feng Qining is always the one who understands Meisha best, just as Meisha understands her.

Looking at this inn, Feng Qining felt a little familiar, she thought about it carefully, and it turned out that Feng Bai also lived in this inn.

"Do you think it's a good relationship?" [

Feng Qining said such a sentence suddenly, her words came so suddenly that everyone couldn't react for a while.

"You bastards, Xiaobai is also here, do you think this is a good relationship?"

Feng Qining's words made everyone's eyes light up.

"But letting them meet so early, isn't it too cheap Xiaobai?"

Thinking of letting him succeed so early, Murong Li was a little depressed, they must create some trouble for them no matter what.

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