
Feng Qining also thought about it. Originally, she planned to create opportunities for those two people so that they could fight quickly, but after Murong Li said that, she really felt that they were too cheap, so she had to create something for them anyway. Surprise.

It's too easy, and it's always not cherished.

"Let's go, let's go back and figure out a way"

Walking on the street, Feng Qining never expected to meet someone she thought she would never meet. [


Looking at the back, the name blurted out, and when he heard someone calling his name, Jing Sheng turned his head, and at a glance, he saw the woman in the white gauze skirt. Such a face was unfamiliar to him, but the skirt was He knows.

In my memory, there was once such a woman who loved white skirts very much, but such a woman had long since left him.

Passing over the woman, his eyes saw the people beside her, all of whom he was familiar with.

"Why are you here? Didn't I ask you to help my son?"

Feng Qining frowned and looked at him. She saved his life back then, and that's how he repaid her?

"You, who are you?"

The flute in Jing Sheng's hand fell to the ground, Feng Qining came back, he naturally knew, at that time he thought it was someone fake, Murong Li accepted it, but he couldn't recover from the fact that she had left.

Now that he really heard her call like that, he was still shocked, like, those eyes are really too similar, except for her, he has never seen anyone's eyes always with sarcasm.

It's as if she wants to laugh at all the injustices in the world!

"What? It's just a change of appearance, don't you recognize it?"

Feng Qining shook her head, her teasing eyes turned to sadness, she saved his life, it was unexpected that he would forget her so quickly.

It is also said that women have no conscience, but in fact, men have no conscience either.

"you really are?"

Jing Sheng looked her up and down, how could it be, how could she have lived and returned?

"Yeah? It's true. By the way, I didn't ask you to scold my son? Why do you come out to play around?"

Feng Qining looked at him angrily, Lan Se had just ascended the throne and needed help, if no one helped him, he would die of exhaustion alone.

"Let me tell you, luckily my son didn't die from exhaustion, otherwise I wouldn't spare you"

God, why hasn't this woman changed at all?Her son is simply a genius, only others are unlucky, how could he die of exhaustion?Besides, he wasn't helpless. [

"I just came out to play recently, I never expected to meet you so unluckily"

What does he mean?Feng Qining looked at him dangerously, and when he met her, he was depressed, why didn't he say that she was unlucky?


Murong Li tugged at the corner of Feng Qining's clothes, he looked at Jing Sheng with weird eyes, looking at his eyes, Jing Sheng's back felt hairy.

"Let me tell you, if you asked me for help, I've already done it, so don't make any more decisions about me."

He doesn't want to be with them anymore, there must be no good things to be with them, last time he almost killed him, this time he must really love life and stay away from these people.

"Hey, actually I have something good to take care of you this time."

If he believed her, he would be fooled. If it was really a good thing, she would definitely keep it to herself. When will it be his turn?

"You have to agree if you promise, or you have to agree if you don't agree, or I will let my son chase and kill you."

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