"Those people are not a little bit tough, they are simply barbaric."

Thinking of those savage women, Zong Zhengxuan trembled, it was really scary.

"Brother Emperor, from what you said, you seem to have encountered it before?"

There was a light in Feng Qining's eyes, her favorite thing was gossip, judging by his appearance, that incident still left a deep memory in his memory.

"You still don't ask" [

Zong Zhengxuan didn't even want to say it if he was going to kill him. Once he said it, they would definitely die laughing.

"Big Brother, Third Brother, what's going on?"

Feng Qining looked at her two elder brothers, Xiao Mian, did he think that no one would know if he didn't tell?Those two were also baffled.

"We don't know, we don't know when that happened"

Has anything like that ever happened?Why don't they know?

"You two are really inferior, you don't know what happened under your noses"

Feng Qi looked at them sternly, Feng Han and Feng Ye were speechless for a moment.

They are just ministers, not Zong Zhengxuan's personal eunuchs. They are always by his side. They don't know what happened to him. It's normal. If they know everything, it's not normal.

"Does it need to be said? Some barbaric woman must like him. He doesn't like him, so he tried to get rid of him."

Murong Li guessed, looking at his confident appearance, he seemed to be saying, do you need to talk about such a thing?Can you imagine it with your toes?

"Limei, you are so smart, Brother Emperor, is that woman ugly, so you look down on her?"

What was she talking about? She said that he seemed to be a pervert. No matter what, he was an upright gentleman. How could he be a pervert?

"No, it still looks good, but it's too barbaric"

Everyone looked at Murong Li in admiration. If you want to talk about savagery in this world, who is as savage as Feng Qining?She is not only savage, but also very smart. This smart and savage woman is very scary, because she doesn't know when she is calculating herself.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Are you saying that I am barbaric? Believe it or not, I will show you barbaric now?"

Feng Qining put her hands on her hips, looking at her like that, everyone was drinking tea and chatting, but they didn't dare to look at her.

Looking at the faces of the crowd, Feng Qining had a wicked smile on her face, did she want to get away with it like this?Don't even look at who she is, how could she let them pass so easily?

"Brother Emperor, are you not going to tell me?"

Xiao Mian, she must be forced to ask Li Meiren for medicine, right?In that case don't blame her. [

"Oh, I knew I had slipped my tongue, and it's impossible not to say it now."

Zongzhengxuan told the memory of what he thought was a devil. It turned out that one night, he was really bored, so he went for a walk on the street. Unexpectedly, he encountered something unfair. Naturally, I want to help.

Unexpectedly, that was not a fair thing. It was a rich girl who was naughty and ran out to play. After he rescued her, she actually followed behind him.

He asked her to go home, but she unexpectedly said to him plausibly: "You saved me, and I will be yours from now on. You have to listen to me, protect me, and don't let me be wronged."

What she said made him stunned at the time, and he couldn't understand what was going on at all.

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