He just saved her out of kindness, why did she make him responsible in the end?

Feng Qining heard that she wanted to laugh, but in the end she couldn't help it anymore, and laughed beside her, pinching Zong Zhengxuan's chin with her hand, looking at his handsome face from left to right, and finally nodded: "Well, not bad , Brother Emperor, you are quite handsome, so she fell in love with you at first sight."

Go to the side, Zong Zhengxuan brushed her hand away, lowered his head, and drank tea depressedly, everyone was still waiting for the next thing, unexpectedly he stopped talking here, and suddenly became curious.

"What's down there? What's going on down there?"

Lan Se blinked his big eyes and asked, seeing his gossip, Zong Zhengxuan had the urge to throw him out. [

"Yeah, Brother Emperor, what's next? You haven't finished talking yet, so you don't plan to stop talking?"

Gossip, what kind of friends did he make?Why all the gossip?

"Xuan, if you say it like this, you can't say half of it and leave the rest?"

Feng Yu also expressed her dissatisfaction, Zong Zhengxuan shook his head seeing their gossip, this group of people were all spoiled by Feng Qining, there was no such gossip before, why are they getting more and more gossip now?

"Later she chased me and refused to let go. After she knew my identity later on, I thought it would scare her, but she actually said that she would be willing to be my concubine."

Concubine?Feng Qining raised her eyebrows, the emperor's concubine is also a concubine, not an ordinary concubine.

Of course he didn't want to, but she didn't expect her to say that if he didn't want to, then she would go around talking bad things about him, saying that he wanted her, and in the end he didn't take responsibility.

Feng Qining was terrified: "Brother Emperor, the one you met is really tough"

How can there be a girl who can let go of her reputation so much?She has to know that after she said that, no one would dare to propose marriage to her in the future. Also, Zong Zhengxuan wanted to get rid of her, and there were many ways to deal with her. Even if she forced him to marry her, he would end up in the cold palace the point.

Feng Qining shook her head, such a woman can only be said to be too unintelligent, if she was a little smarter, she would not choose such an approach.

Zong Zhenghao didn't tell them that in fact, that woman had tried all kinds of tricks, such as seduction, drugging, gentleness and so on. In fact, he was about to fall in love, but Feng Ye said to him one day: Jiang Shanyi It is hard to change one's nature.

She is now doing whatever she can to become his concubine. Has he seen such a rare woman?What they want is nothing but prosperity and wealth. The palace is a big dye vat, and she looks like that before she enters. If she really enters, she still doesn't know what it will be like.

"In the end, I sent her to walk and sent her home. Her father came and took her away, and I never saw her again."

There is no such thing, Feng Qining's eyes are full of pity, in fact, the two of them can develop further, that woman has a personality, if she is a little more daring, and directly throws Zong Zhengxuan down, there may be a problem What a beautiful marriage.

"Looking at you, it seems to be a pity."

Zong Zhengxuan expressed his dissatisfaction, she just had fun watching the excitement, but now she dared to show a pity to him, did she owe it?

"Isn't it a pity? She should be bolder"

She also said, still talking, Zong Zhengxuan stood up, Feng Qining stepped back: "Brother Emperor, what are you doing?"

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