Of course, it's not just as simple as the tattered clothes, there are also many scars on his body.

The man looked at his body and looked at Meisha in shock. How did she do it?How dare he not receive any pain just now?

"Doesn't it hurt?"

As soon as Meisha finished speaking, the man rolled on the ground in pain. For a woman like Meisha, killing people is her strong point, and torturing people is her hobby.

Originally, she wanted to kill him directly, but she didn't know how to get out here, so how could she let him die so easily? [

"Tell me how to get out"

The man was rolling on the ground in pain, and he didn't know how Meisha cut it. The wounds on his body were obviously not many, but he was in excruciating pain.

Of course he didn't know, Meisha specially picked out his blood vessels, blood vessels, where is that?That's fatal, so, his life is not long.

"Go out? Hahaha, you still want to go out, so you can stay here with me? Don't ever think about going out"

After finishing speaking, the person hit the wall, his head was bleeding and died, Mei Sha frowned, and was about to look around, but there was a sound above her head, she looked up, and a big stone fell from above.

She was shocked, just about to leave, but her feet tripped over something, she looked down, what was it, it was clearly a person, Meisha couldn't care so much, grabbed her and left.

Stones blocked the surroundings, Meisha and that woman nestled in a small space, looking at the dead woman beside her, Meisha rolled her eyes, and her hand pinched the woman's chest.


The painful person woke up leisurely, and when she saw the darkness around her, she screamed in fright.

"What's it called?"

Meisha spoke impatiently, and when she heard a voice beside her, she trembled with fright, feeling her fear, Meisha rolled her eyes.

"Are you thinking too much, I'm also a woman, I won't do anything to you"

Now she heard clearly, it was really a woman talking, she thought for a while, she met a man, and that man wanted to belittle her, but she refused, and then she didn't know what happened.

"You can't remember what happened?"

In the darkness, Meisha saw her expression and accurately guessed her thoughts. She looked up in shock, but the surrounding was so dark that she couldn't see Meisha clearly. She stretched out her hand tremblingly, wanting to touch Meisha.

"Don't move around, I don't like people touching me"

To be precise, she doesn't like strangers to touch her. Like Feng Qining, she is naturally resistant to unfamiliar people. At this time, all cells in her body are full of vigilance.

Such a cold and emotionless voice made the woman dare not make any further movements.

"Where is this? Why are we here?" [

Most importantly, why is she with her?Although she could only hear voices and not see people, this woman must be not simple.

"You really don't remember? You were the one who was captured. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have ended up here either."

Mei Sha was a bit depressed, see, she shouldn't meddle in other people's business, now it's all right, she's trapped here.

"I remember that I met a man, but I don't remember what happened after that"

The woman said embarrassingly, Meisha really wanted to pry open her brain and see what was inside her.

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