Is she too naive or too stupid?

Even so, Mei Sha still kindly told her the following things. Hearing Mei Sha's words, the woman felt a flash of fear. If she hadn't arrived in time, she might have been poisoned by that person now. .

"Thank you girl for saving me"

The woman's words were full of gratitude. Although the person who saved her was a bit cold, but she saved herself, that is a good person.

People always have this kind of thinking, whoever saves herself must be a good person, even if she is not a good person, but to her, she is a good person. [

"Don't thank me, I regret it now"

Meisha's words are true, she must be bored, she wants to act chivalrously for a while, but she is so unlucky, encountering such a thing, it seems that God does not want her to act chivalrously.

Mei Sha's words made the woman not know what to say for a while, and from what she said, she didn't seem to be willing to save her.

Seeing her tangled state, Feng Qining spoke again: "You have time to tangled up about that, so think about how we can get out."

After Mei Sha said this, the woman finally thought of the problem in front of her, yes, it is indeed time to think about how to get out, but it seems to be very difficult now.

"Before our eyes are stones"

The woman pushed and finally came to a conclusion that it was still a very heavy stone. With their strength, they probably couldn't push it away.

"I know it's a stone. If it wasn't a stone, I wouldn't need your help."

help?How can she help?She has no strength at all, so she can't help.

Outside, the trees stopped moving after turning a few times. Seeing this scene, Feng Qining's eyes widened. What happened?Why didn't you move?

"Brother Yi, what's going on?"

Feng Qining looked at him expectantly, don't tell her that Mei Sha destroyed it, even if she really did it, then she should have come out, why is there no news at all now?

"There is no movement?"

Yichu also frowned, how could there be no movement, unless there is no activity inside, there should be movement if someone moves here.

"Did someone get killed?"

With a crow's mouth, Feng Qining looked at Zong Zhengxuan dangerously, Zong Zhengxuan immediately shut up, can't he stop talking?In fact, he just said that, which really didn't make any sense.

After all, there might be something like that, right?

"Brother Yi, is there a way to break this formation?"

As long as the formation is broken, the Charming Killer will be able to come out. [

"Feng, aren't you afraid that she will die inside?"

How could she be confident that she would be able to escape?Maybe she was killed by the agency inside, why is she so confident, she won't?

"Don't worry, Mei won't die so easily"

Like her, she didn't die that easily. Seeing that she has experienced so much, she died twice, isn't she still okay?

In Mei Sha, after the two tried several methods, the stone did not move, and the woman was a little frustrated.

"Girl, why don't we call for help, maybe someone passing by will save us"

"I won't yell, I want to yell at you"

In a place like this, she didn't believe that anyone would hear it. Besides, even if someone heard it, they would die if they came in.

After Mei Sha said this, the woman didn't dare to shout anymore.

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